My women of Inspo!

With a blog called “Strong is my Beautiful” and a mission to inspire and empower other women, how can I not have a say on International Women’s Day? It may be the fastest entry I have written as I decided 3 days ago that I was going to so:
going through what to write
who to mention
how to frame it
keep it light etc etc
all came together in only 3 or so days which proves that if you make the time you get it done! I started writing in honor of International Women’s Day going down the path of “cheers to ALL the women who inspire us and don’t even know it” and while that is the overarching message, I decided to go a step further to personalize it a little.
I am a strong advocate of women empowering women. I believe that great things are possible when we do this. I have experienced life without it but mostly with it, so it’s not a dream. This belief is fact and I love seeing anyone who is helping the cause along. I have strong women from my past and present who have and who are still driving this – whether it be body positive advocates, athletes, entrepreneurs, moms, artists, coaches, teachers to name a few. I love seeing it, love seeing their vision unfold and come to life. I love seeing and hearing what their visions evoke and awaken in others, myself included. It is a beautiful thing. It makes my heart smile, literally, and it reminds me that anything is possible with hard work and passion. Most of all, believing we CAN.
As women, we should elevate, draw inspiration, share our successes and remember to let one another know it! Celebrate all that is US!
Take the 7 themes below as my daily inspiration over 7 days. I had to find a creative way to narrow it down somehow OR this could not be called a blog entry if you know what I mean!
My Mini
This little lady is what has softened me. She’s the reason I believe in miracles. Dramatic? A little, but the joy she brings me is priceless. She’s smart beyond her 6 years. Worries about her parents and everyone she loves and I’ve accepted that it’s her nature. Always asking (at her age) if we’re OK. Recently something happened that deeply upset and saddened me and I sobbed in her presence – and I mean SOBBED a.k.a. #uglycried. It may have been the first time she has seen me so sad. She came over and so calmly and in a very grown up way hugged me and said “mama I’m here, I won’t leave”. I was flawed and for a minute felt bad that she had to witness it but I did take the opportunity to explain what was happening and that it’s OK to be sad sometimes. I also thanked her for being so caring and that she shouldn’t change. I will add that I was very sick too, with a fever so emotions were running high in that moment :). She is as girlie as the next little girl but believes we are superhero’s (Wonderwoman to be specific) and we can save the world. The love is deep. We were meant to be.

Wonderwoman is state of mind!

Rhodes Memorial – Cape Town, South Africa. The world is yours baby girl. Go get it.
My blended people
This tribe of women I would not have known if we didn’t adopt so a great follow up from mini. Our first day meeting Acacia I recall leaving and saying to my husband “we met our daughter and her first family is also our family”. It was a good feeling. Acacia’s first grandma has been fostering for 16 plus years and seeing her own two daughters and their foster sisters treat one another like blood is very uplifting. I see and feel their love, respect, encouragement and empowerment of one another when I am in their presence as well as the teasing and joking around that comes with being siblings. They’re a young dynamic group and they’re all destined for great things in their futures – kudos to Mama Bear. If I had a poster of just the #cheetahsisters (as they’ve named themselves) to showcase that “family is not always blood” they would be it. The one I have below is a close second I’d say.

All connected!
My 2 Moms
Two very different women in style and personality but both strong, kind and compassionate. One is book smart and the other was more street smart and most importantly, both moms. Moms who taught me many valuable life lessons, values and morals. I learnt the importance of family and the importance being the oldest child just by being around a really large family for a long time. I had to take responsibility and accountability at a very young age and I remember not too long ago my brother said he felt for me because I had to grow up too fast and take on an adult role at a young age. My mom has voiced this same sentiment many times as well, but in actual fact, I am who a I am today because of it. Many of my life’s accomplishments stem from a strong foundation and I believe that it was the way I had to grow up. On another note, my childhood friend Amelia still quotes my mom to this day “seek knowledge, for it is your friend in the desert, your friend when you have no other friend”! We giggle about it, but it is true. My mom has always been a student in some way shape or form. During my final year of high school, I remember she was doing her Masters and we’d go to the library together to study – that was cool – and two years ago she completed her PhD! I also learnt from my late mom in law a long time ago and more indirectly that knowledge didn’t always mean it had to come from books. You learn from your experiences daily. Live your best life and embrace the lessons that come along with it. The parachute analogy of it having to be open in order for it work is how I can best describe their inspiration for me. Always an open mind. Always the student.

One of the few pics I have of the two of them together.
My sisters
I have 3 official – my sis by blood, my sis by half blood and my sis by marriage. All so very different in personality but all very beautiful souls who have lights no one can dim.
Sis by blood – the smart, creative and gifted one. Deep, so deep and immensely sensitive and she’s got me always looking at things from a different angle. We don’t hang out or talk too often but I realized over the years that sometimes it is good to stop, take a minute to reflect. My nature is to literally “get hit and move on” but taking a little time to appreciate an experience for it’s goodness or to learn from it is good for the soul. I’m thankful for her.

Us with mom getting her PhD
Sis by half blood is the youngest but is my daily inspiration and living proof that you can make it no matter what hand you’ve been dealt. Rough and tough road she’s had but has risen above tenfold. Mom to 3 boys, event planner, business owner, wife and pastor. Her soul is beautiful. She always lets me know how much she looks up to me, what a great big sis I am etc but in essence, she teaches me without really saying much.

That time I surprised her flying from Cape Town to Jozi for a day.
Sis by marriage is my real-life alter ego. I’ve known her about 26 years and found only 2 or so short months ago that we share a love of sunflowers for the same personal reasons. We may get matching tattoos next time I’m in SA. She’s my inspiration for not sweating the small stuff and that it’s OK to just be. I’m myself around her 100%. She’s will also give you the last piece of clothing off her back if she had to. I talk to her about being too good for people but is there really such a thing?

Cape Town – Jan 2018
My women of ftec
From 2012 to 2018, along with our fearless founder, all these women ooze strength and those to come will continue to do so. I have this growing family (including amazing men that I can’t not make reference to) that I am so honored to be a part of. Each story and reason for their individual fights may differ but the common element is the Fight to End Cancer which is raising funds and literally stepping into a boxing ring to knock out cancer. They come from different walks of life and some gone off to do more amazing things but when we regroup, it’s a beautiful thing. Please see the article on the women of FTEC here. It celebrates the cause and all of us today and every day. I don’t think I will do them or the cause justice writing any more.
My coach
She is comes in a small package but everything she does is larger than life. I have been described as “infectious in attitude” by a few people but I have never met or witnessed one individual so able to rally people around her to be just as passionate about a cause that she built from the ground up. Fundraising for cancer research, entrepreneur, coach, international referee and judge and that is just scratching the surface. The determination, drive and passion coupled with compassion, kindness and the abundance of love she has for her people is contagious. Read that latest article about her being the “third man in the ring” –

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow
I’m a constant work in progress. I recognize and celebrate my achievements big and small. Most of all, I am proud. I’ve come a long way in many, many ways and that is my motivation to stay consistently focused and disciplined in everything I do. I’m excited to see where the road takes me!

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow
To wrap it all up – real women fix each other’s crowns rather than try to take it or break it. That said, our self love and happiness has to start from inside. We must believe it, see it and then go take it. When I started saying “I can and I will, watch me world” – my mission became so much clearer.
We all have an inner Beyonce or RiRi – tap into it. Own it!
Happy International Women’s Day! #IWD2018
#girlpower #inspiration #inspo #moms #motivation #sisters beyou fighttoendcancer friends ftec2018 my people strongismybeautiful womens day 2018
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