Inspiration and Motivation – My Take.

I came to learn fast that I had to put quite a bit of time into writing since starting my little blog here. Coming up with content and at the same time, posting content that my audience can relate to, ensuring it is digestible, regular and real all at the same time is a tall order for anyone. Sure, with a creative prevalent brain, marketing and PR background, proud recipient of some really cool, out of the box campaign awards in my day it should be easy right? Nope, not always and especially with so many amazing blogs out there – geez, how does one keep up, let alone stand out? Of course, not to mention I still have to “real life” by day :).
So, true to form, I decided to brainstorm some ideas which ended with soliciting some q’s from a few family members and close friends with an idea and, while it didn’t quite go as planned, I got a couple of quality questions or themes that did emerge from that and most asked was “what inspires and motivates you, Shireen”? It’s actually a great follow up to my last post , which was about the “who”, and specifically the women who inspire me. Hey, I may be on to something here – next we might explore the “how” – but for now, here goes.
I’ve always been a good self-starter and self-motivator and naturally have self discipline when I set out to achieve a goal I’ve set but, there are a few things that certainly do spark something in me to keep going and keep my passion strong. The list is probably much longer than what I have here but these are my top few. Are they unique to me? Probably not but it’s my perspective and what it means to me. Enjoy.
- Results – English Oxford Dictionary – a favourable outcome of an undertaking or contest
- We’ve all heard the saying “once you see results you become addicted”. Very true and for me, I take it a step further. Determination and persistence guarantee results. I started my weight loss and fitness journey about 7 years ago. I’m not sure what happened but one day all I was doing was consistently working crazy hours, weight was at it’s highest and I was wearing all kinds of clothing to help cover up. The scale and clothing size do not define us, I know this but I wasn’t feeling good either. Always tired, miserable, hungry at all the wrong times out of breath after walking a flight of stairs. I was eating kind of healthy but not quite and this list goes on. I set the goal and started the journey in silence. I celebrated the small victories just by myself. Back then, I was already boxing for fitness but not consistently at all but that changed too. As I started feeling stronger, saw the weight dropping and started feeling better overall i.e. more confident and badass inside I just kept going. I’d see results and be so proud but then pushed a little harder to the next goal. And they were small goals ranging from losing a few pounds by a certain date to not doing push ups on my knees to running a full 10 minutes to 15 to 20 to 30 until I did a 10 km in under an hour in 2014. Fast forward to today. At 46 I have a 6-1 amateur boxing record. Crazy! Sweet but crazy! The victories are great but I push harder and harder each time with my coaches and training partners. It’s hard work getting to the top but staying there is even harder.

Feeling accomplished back in 2014 – 10km done and dusted!
- Work ethic – Wiki – a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character.
- This one here is big for me. THE most talented individuals still need to work hard, period. This goes for both in and out of the gym/ring and it’s not just work. It’s how you work, how you show up and it takes discipline and I mean being consistently disciplined to grind continuously to improve your craft. You make a decision, create goals, formulate a plan to get there and you execute. Our individual steps may vary but there is always a path. That path may not always be easy and there will be days you have to dig deeper, guaranteed!!! It’s those times that we push through, stay focused and stay grinding and it’s those moments that define us, it builds our character and will give you a sense of pride that no amount of money can ever buy. I hear people’s stories and read biographies of how they started their businesses or became world champions and the common theme is the work ethic. The sacrifices, late nights, early mornings (or both), the hustle, the disappointment, the no’s but then the success that came out of sticking to it and trusting the journey and process that inspires me greatly. I recently heard someone complain that they didn’t have the time to include running into their training regime and my response when brought into the convo was “if it was a party, you would make the time”.
- Authenticity – Merriam Webster – true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character; sincere and authentic without pretensions
- A.K.A. real. If you’re not, people catch on. As much as I can say it doesn’t take much for me to have your back, I can smell a fake a mile away. Remember, not everyone likes realness and authenticity because it includes doing and say things that makes people uncomfortable but, keep on doing you. An ex colleague and friend once told me “I’ve never met anyone like you Shireen, you’re a breath of fresh air”. I was much younger back then and didn’t 100% get it but eventually I understood and when I did, it was then that I realized the people who are in my life are the one’s who keep it real.
- Bravery/Courage – Wiki – is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
- Bravery comes in many many forms and I’ve learned this over the last decade or so of my life. Yes, speaking up, speaking out, standing up for myself and being brutally honest are all very brave traits and generally, I have no problem with these but bravery is also sharing very personal pains and feelings. Talking about your struggles with someone or more than just someone. I was recently so moved when someone shared a very painful piece of their lives with me. My initial reaction was swallowing the lump in my throat but listening to them telling it I was floored. I looked around me and said wow, now this is a badass. Shit happened to you in life and you got up and punched the bitch smack in the face and you’re coming out shining. While it’s still not perfect and this person still has many roads ahead, many decisions to make, they got what it takes and taught me once again a very valuable lesson in bravery. Not only that, they felt safe enough with me to share and that made me feel good in so many ways and at a time where I needed to be reminded to stay strong and true to myself by being brave enough to stand up for myself and what I believe in. Amazingly, brave and courageous.
- Honesty – – uprightness, fairness, truthful, sincerity and frankness.
- I will start by saying that I am comfortable with who I am and believe only I am responsible for my words and actions. Not my past, not experiences, not people but just me and I own that. I don’t always say the right things or make the right or best decisions but they are mine. Yes, brutal honesty makes us uncomfortable but I am ok with being comfortable with uncomfortable. It’s not always easy and sometimes takes a bit to digest whether you’re on the giving or receiving side, but those situations help my personal growth and development and that certainly translates into my training life in the most positive of ways.
- Loyalty – – the quality of being loyal to someone or something. A strong feeling of support or allegiance
- Family is not always blood – I say this often and I believe it. Family is loyalty. People who show me loyalty and observing others being loyal whether to another human, a pet or a cause tells me something about their character and reminds me of the good that does exist in this crazy world we live in. Much like respect (another trait I value) loyalty is earned, especially mine. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t take much for me to have your back but once I feel betrayed it’s over – period.
- Living out loud – no official definition but…
- It’s the bow or ribbon that ties all of the above up for me in a nice tight package. It’s not just in the literal sense of being verbally loud, which I am indeed, and own it 100%. It’s about accepting all of me, flaws and all. It’s about knowing that what other people think of me is none of my business. It’s about living in the present. It’s about dancing like nobody is looking. It’s about “going big or going home”. No half-assing anything or not taking the easy way out because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Or, you feel like you won’t succeed if you go the hard route. I also try to maintain an attitude of “laugh at myself first and everyone can join in after” and it’s all good. It’s my thing. Have fun in this life we have but give the one life you have your ALL 100% of the time every single time.
One of my reasons for finally “womening” up and starting the blog I had been pondering over for so long was that I found I had way more to say and share. It wasn’t enough to just get through it on my IG accounts, specifically @shireenthemachine, which, I started to create a platform for myself to share my love of boxing, my fitness journey and my various achievements. It was also to inspire and encourage women that anything is possible regardless of age, size, health issues and my personal agenda – hoping that more women 40+ would be inspired to compete in this awesome sport. I’ve created a little platform that I like to keep as real and authentic as I can and I believe that it will grow organically. Right now, the enjoyment, sharing and empowering others is great and getting feedback from my people, both male and female about how my content is inspiring them, inspires and motivates me as well so, win-win right!

Prepping for my 3rd bout which I lost by split decision but it was my motivation to never leave it up to the judges. EVER.
#alwaysready #authentic #beabadass #beyou #results #bravery #courage #discipline #fitlife #fitmom #fitspo #getfit #gethealthy #girlpower #girlswhorun #healthfirst #honesty #inspiration #inspire #inspo #liveoutloud #loyalty #results #runlikeagirl #running #selflove #weightloss #winwin #youfirst alwayslearning alwaysworking bereal fitwoman strongismybeautiful strongwoman
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