Strong Is My Beautiful

Be you, always!

2024 Last Lap!  Last Push! 

  Last quarter, last lap, last push!  However you see it, we have less than three months to 2025.  It’s mind blowing how time flies and if I look back to the start of the year, I will say that it has been fruitful, productive and challenging all at the same time. Many will agree…
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October 10, 2024 0

Recovery is Strength & Knowledge is Power

  Has someone ever impressed or inspired you so much that you’re bursting with pride – just to know them and hear their story?  We all have one and mine is my childhood bestie who celebrated 6 years of sobriety this month! ICYMI, September is National Recovery Month.  From my research, it should be “international”…
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September 16, 2024 0

It’s May and first up it’s Mother’s Day!

Who else in the North is crossing their fingers saying “spring is finally here” and hoping it sticks!  Mother nature must have been waiting for May to start because the nice weather seems to be sticking around! This one is short as I know this weekend and coming week is all about Mother’s Day shopping…
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May 3, 2024 0

Happy International Women’s Day 2024: #inspireinclusion

  “Imagine a gender equal world.  A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.  A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive.  A world where difference is valued and celebrated.  Together we can forge women’s equality and collectively we can all #inspireinclusion.  International women’s day belongs to everyone!” – directly from and this year’s theme…
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March 8, 2024 0


  Welcome March! March is a good month.  Lot’s going on personally.  Weather (should be) getting milder if you’re in North America and with that, people in general will be smiling more. Don’t come for me, it’s true.  It is also women’s month! I’m saying women’s month yes but International Women’s Day 2024 is March…
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March 2, 2024 0


  To quote the one and only Ru Paul: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love anyone else?” We should love and be loved every single day of the year.  Know your person and love them the way they can receive it best or the way they know…
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February 15, 2024 2

FEBRUARY:  Make it the month of you!

February is about love they say so why not make it about loving you? I recently saw the funniest post that read: “January was a long year!”  While it gave me a good laugh it does seem like it’s always the longest month.  I think it’s because January is THAT month for many.  You know,…
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February 5, 2024 0

HOME IS THE PEOPLE: Cape Town is beautiful but my people were the highlight.

  My family and I have just returned from a month-long visit to Cape Town.  It was a long, stressful haul back.  Missed our flight (first time for everything), the new flight was delayed and once at the airport, delayed some more.  Furthermore, we were the people running to make our connecting flight because of…
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January 19, 2024 0


  One week-ish in and how is 2024 going for you so far? I don’t believe in new year’s resolutions, and nothing is more cringe (to me) than “new year, new me”.  No judgement, just not my thing and it’s never been.  Goals? Yes.  Aspirations?  Yes.  Start-stop-continue?  Yes-yes-yes. And no, those things are not the…
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January 9, 2024 0


  Here we are.  Happy New Year!  It’s 2024 and may all your goals and aspirations come to fruition this year. It’s also a time of the year where folks are feeling pressured and even anxious about goal setting and resolutions and I’m here to tell you, DON’T feel any kinda way.  The fact that…
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January 2, 2024 0