Ring Talk: Episode 1: Discipline

“I can’t, I have training”? Who can relate? Mine is usually Friday nights, other days too but mostly Friday. I very rarely get invited out or accept an invitation out on a Friday night – because Saturday? Boxing. Not many people understand and to some saying no or leaving early is easier said than done for sure. So, ring talk – episode 1 will focus on discipline. Discipline has many meanings but, in this context, and for me in plain words – just do it! Talk is cheap, actions speak volumes but, let’s break it down.
After recently starting a new gig, one that pays the bills yes, I had to shuffle my training schedule around more than I liked the first month or so in. Learning the ropes, joining in the middle of a big launch and having to attend an event/team outing or two for some meet and greets, some lunches and so on. The fun stuff no doubt especially if you like the social side of life. I remember having to leave early one night because I had six AM training the next day. I came, shook the hands, at a little food, had a drink and bid farewell to the surprise of many.
The thing is, I always thought that age is THE factor when it comes to training and I still think it does but only to a certain extent. I also thought that staying out late (sometimes) and still training regularly, at the same pace and twice day most days of the week was just a big no-no for the more matured bodies. That tired and slow feeling that sometimes lingers on for more than just the morning after. Ya’ll know what I’m talking about. I’ll enlighten you a little my people of a certain age and I know, age ain’t nothing but a number and all that. Biggest advocate here but I’m going somewhere with it.

A while back – putting in work with G even when coach was away.
The partial myth I recently discovered that my good friend and training partner G experiences the same! Please note that G is also the guy who, when I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary in 2017 joked and said something like he was a toddler when I was walking down the aisle. Do the math! Despite his youth on me, he experiences the same after late nights out and such and so like me, he says no very often as well. Now I still believe for many reasons that I have to work twice as hard to be considered half a good but that’s my drive and, of all the people I train with G is probably there as much as I am with the same amount of discipline.
I’m not an expert in health or fitness but merely an athlete who is always learning to perform my best both in training and in competition. Just an athlete aspiring to do good and great things with the tools I’ve been given. The tools not only need to be sharp, they need to be kept sharp. I believe (and I am proof) that once you become disciplined and have a plan, it’s easier to become consistent and in turn, as you see progress and improvement it keeps you motivated and focused. They’re all related and intertwined in my opinion.
As a self-proclaimed self-starter and self-motivator, I found out fast that without being disciplined and having a solid plan that you actually stick to, it’s easy to say things like “I’ll make it up tomorrow” or when I’m not sticking to it say, “one extra day off won’t make a difference”. Complete BS! I do post about being focused, disciplined, consistent and I like doing it and I live it as best I can. At the end of the day though, you can post and recite all motivational quotes and even write a novella about it but it’s nothing without action and following through. Something has also got to be said for the domino effect I mention above. It’s all connected – can’t have one without the other.
The start is to train yourself to do something in a controlled and habitual way to achieve a goal and even more importantly, the true test when it comes to discipline is remaining so on the days you don’t want to – those are the days that count the most.
And, to end with a little confession, I have had many and I still have “I don’t feel like it” days but I do it anyway.
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