Defeat is Not an Option!

“Cancer is coming for us all!” – Leslie Ehm. She also believes that Defeat is NOT an option!
I always thought I knew what she meant, and I did/do but I never felt it until recently. News of yet another family member suffering and going through treatment sent my head down memory lane so yeah, there were lots of feelings. This disease makes me and many others so damn angry but the emotion that stays though is that feeling of helplessness and it’s worse when family is far away. Bastard came for me again and for some reason, I really felt it this time.

Leslie and I at the 2019 FTEC tryouts. Photo credit: Virgil Barrow
Then that natural ability I was blessed with kicked in. At a very young age I was able to self-coach and tell myself to “snap out of it” when things were looking gloomy or I was feeling down and when it kicked in this time, I realized that I’m not helpless. Not in the least. All that emotion, love and passion can be put to good use. Ding! Ding! Ding!
I’ve decided to start or rather revive my fundraising campaign through the Fight to End Cancer ( FTEC) which will benefit the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I fought in the annual event in 2013 and was their first corporate female fighter to join – I always like adding that last part. I’ve supported since in various ways and will continue to do so, but this is my official campaign relaunch and just like cancer is an ongoing battle for all of us, my efforts will be ongoing as well.

2013 FTEC Fight Team
A little bit about Fight to End Cancer (FTEC). Firstly, if you haven’t attended one you should at least once. I attended the first one and walked away totally wowed and I knew I’d be back. Founded in 2011, with over one million dollars raised, the journey has started for the next ten amazing humans who will fight in 2019 and who have:
- Stepped out of their comfort zone
- Embarked on the most intense but gratifying training journey of their lives
- Dedicated their next six months to learn a new sport (and to be coached by some of the best)
- Started their own fundraising campaigns
And they will:
- Fight a sanctioned boxing match to literally KO cancer
- Inspire others to want to do the same
- Be in the THE best shape of their lives both physically and mentally
- Raise an incredible amount of money
All that said, life still happens. They’re still moms, dads, employees, employers, CEOs, lawyers, students and then some. Just like cancer doesn’t discriminate, these real-life hero’s come from all walks of life and on June 1, 2019 the Old Mill Inn & Spa will be lit up! They will dance under the brightest lights and shine like they never have before.

Past ladies of FTEC! Photo Credit: Chris Small
So, that is a firm no, I am not helpless. FTEC to me is a community of ongoing inspiration, dedication and a very contagious passion that comes very deep down inside. It’s a growing family of strangers who become friends and businesses/sponsors who put as much into their respective campaigns as they do their bottom line. It’s these ambassadors who contribute endless hours in so many ways to a wonderful cause and I am proud to be part of it. I’m honoured to be an official ambassador.
I told Jennifer Huggins – Founder and CEO of FTEC – that I really didn’t know what I’m going to do to drive this yet, but that I would figure it out. I think she knows me well enough now to know that when I’m in, I’m all in and that said, plans are already in motion with my first campaign I call the “The Birthday Wish”.

Fun with Jen and my little one. Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow
My birthday is December 29th I’ve not made a big deal about it in a really long time. I mean turning 29 again (18 times over this year actually) is not really something a lady shouts about, right?? WRONG!!!!
I am making a big deal this year. I will be out of country but thanks to social media you all get to celebrate with me by helping me gift the PMCF through FTEC. No pressies, just a small (or big) donation to kick-start my campaign. Here is the direct link to my personal page so click and donate. Easy right!
Thank you in advance.
Donate. Initiate. Participate.
#birthdaywishes #cancersucks #donate #ftec #fucancer #fundraising #initiate #participate defeatisnotanoption family fighttoendcancer friends strongismybeautiful strongwoman support
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