Mommy’s journey…

It’s a journey whether we reach the intended destination or not. We move on.
With that, my journey to the 2nd Annual West Coast Wonder Woman Tournament in Sooke, BC was a very public one and it’s only fitting to announce here that this year, that trip won’t be the destination I was working towards. It’s certainly not the first fight that’s fallen through for anyone and certainly won’t be the last for me or anyone. People commit, people change their minds and it’s out of our control. The organizer tried so hard to find another match up but as I told her, I was 3rd time lucky to participate in the Brampton Cup so maybe next year it’ll happen.

2018 Brampton Cup Gold Medalist
Boxing has taught me many life lessons and over the last few years I have learnt not hold on to disappointments whether it be situations or relationships. The analogy of getting hit and moving on can be applied day to day. Gosh, if I think back to the energy and time I’ve wasted in the past trying fix things I didn’t even break I’m amazed that I’m so mentally and emotionally strong. In hindsight, that is probably why I am so strong.
In turn, I have to apply these life lessons in my day to day as a mom and when I shared the news with my seven-year-old daughter she was very upset. For me. She watches and sees what goes into a fight. She was part of the efforts at fundraising, looking for flights and other activities to do while there and more. She wakes up for school and I’m coming back from a run or a training session and then if I am lucky, I catch her before she goes to bed during camp. And not to mention seeing and learning from the never-ending support from her dad. We’re all in the journey together and she doesn’t only get it, she lives it.

Always watching. Always learning.
So yeah, as much as she’s learning about what hard work is, she had a lesson in dealing with a big disappointment. I found myself explaining that life doesn’t always work out the way we planned and when plans fall through, it’s okay to be upset and disappointed so yes, cry it out but it’s just as important to move on. At the same time, I had to recognize and praise the empathy she was showing toward me and she shows it to others also. Fine line huh?
I was not surprised at her reaction. This compassion and motherly, caring nature she has runs deep inside of her. The part that does surprise me is that I’m told it’s something that was visible in me as a young child and I had to put those mothering skills into action at a very young age. We have countless similarities and traits it can surprise, alarm and scare me all at the same time. Some of it she came with and others were nurtured. Point is, I am grateful every day that we were brought together.
So leading up to and on Mother’s Day 2019 I learnt valuable lessons as well as taught some. I was challenged with having to accept, comfort, teach, love, share and reassure that things will be fine – all in one sitting! The passion I have for the sport that found me is still there and I’m excited for what is coming. While nothing is on the horizon yet, it’s coming. This was the biggest door that closed in my boxing journey so far so I know that the one that’s going to open will be even bigger so stay tuned.
My situation is certainly not unique so I salute all the mothers, mother figures and fathers playing both roles a wonderful day of recognition that celebrates us all.

My mom (left) and late mom in law (right) – happy Mother’s Day. Love you both.
Keep going, you’re all amazing!!
#accept #acceptance #fitmom #learning #lessons #momboxer #mothersday #moveon #strongismybeautiful #strongwoman #tournaments athlete boxer boxinglife traininglife
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