
Summer is not quite over but fall is around the corner.
Back to school means back to regular routines. Routines mean back to the grind and I’m all for it. Tournaments and club shows here I come!
Training never stopped but it did lighten up somewhat or rather, I allowed myself to ease up a little. Enjoy life, my family and my friends. After my last two fights in June it took a few weeks to just “be” and eventually, I forced myself to. Not because I had to but for the longest time, I have ALWAYS been in training mode and not just physically but all round. Rigid, straight lined and so guilty when I did cheat or skip a session. Now, it’s certainly not a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. I love the life I lead, love the grind and the routine but all that said it’s like everything else in life – balance. I needed it. It’s been a while.

Summer smiles!
Aah, the past six-ish weeks for me was lovely. We hosted our big annual BBQ on the August long weekend and had about 30 people show up. Fabing style of course which means too much food and drinks, but nobody complained! Booboo had a week at each grandma so a few date nights for us. Our thing before being parents was late suppers, so we thought let’s go to late movie, VIP theater and grab food while watching the movie. I was so excited for this movie date night and to my surprise and delight while watching Hobbs & Shaw – my boy Idris is on the screen. No, I had no idea guy was part of the already stacked cast. But alas! This mama passed out about 25 minutes in lol. I’ll just leave that there.
A few birthday celebrations, an engagement party, a gender reveal and a wedding so yeah, a fun time all round. It was great to catch up with longtime friends who, although they don’t see me much, still cheer me on from afar. Reconnecting and hearing the pride they feel for me AND hearing how I’ve inspired some of them in the last few years was actual music to my ears. I mean, one of the reasons I started @shireenthemachine and was just that. Inspire, motivate, uplift – you know all the good words and feels. A good little reconnect and regroup to go into the last few months of 2019 and hopefully a few fights are in the cards.

It’s a boy! Celebrated with our good friends the Bosman’s at their gender reveal!
Loads of fun indeed and with it came some moments of learning, accepting and moving on. I experienced for the first time that some people are in your life for a season. I finally shrugged and walked away. Found I was giving a couple of situations not in my control way too much head space and frankly, life is too short. I can be a lot too (hehe) so a break or break-up is likely good for all.
And with that, September is here! We are back to reality. My little one is going to grade two which is crazy! Time flies and she is so ready to crush it. I actually took her back to school shopping in person. I’m an online gal fyi. For those in the know, yeah that happened, and to my surprise, it was fun with her. Will it be a recurring activity? Time will tell! She independently chose and matched up her items and I think it was the smile on her face during the whole experience that made it so enjoyable for me. As athletic as she is, she’s a very girly girl so on top of feeling all grown up she bought some pretty items which made her extra happy. She has already chosen her activities for the fall. Boxing already signed up for and we have to find a soccer and swim spot soon and then we’re back to regular programming!

Where did the time go! Seven years old already.
Fall also brings tournament season. First up is Silver Gloves 2019, October 3rd to 6th which means that September is all work! Volume and intensity. I mentioned earlier I’d like to get a couple of fights to close off the year but even more than that, I’d like to participate in a tournament and have two (or more) fights. Why? I’ve never experienced it before, so I really feel like I’m missing out over here.

All work! Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow
Can’t end this one without recognizing the amazing life I have. The gratitude is real. The feels are deep. The blessings in abundance.
Let’s get it!
#autumn #backtoschool #bbqs #birthdays #fall #gendereveal #goodfood #lifeisgood #lifelessons #party #september #strongismybeautiful #timeout #weddings blessed family grateful gratitude love summer
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