Nature vs Nurture

A short one but so noteworthy!
“Mummy, I have to tell you something buuuut you may not like it”.
That could mean ANYTHING so I joke and say, “should I be sitting down for this or just walk away now while it’s safe”. We laugh together.
Opening statement: “So I got punched in the head at recess today”.
Summary: Three grade 3 boys were bothering a grade 1 boy and he didn’t like it. They were bullying him she said, and she knew it was wrong. She went over to help stop them or to calm him down as she put it. In the same beat, she sent her friend to go get a teacher and report this situation but by the time she reached her little friend, the grade 1 kid was flailing his arms in the air and throwing his Taekwondo moves along with some punches. Not to anyone in particular but just enough to keep the boys away. Can you guess what comes next? Yup, Acacia gets punched in the head, by accident, by the boy she tried to save from the big kids!
I assess and she’s 100% fine. She didn’t let anyone know she got hit though.
The mommy daughter convo that followed was just all awesomeness. Yes, I did caution safety first and calling a teacher but regardless, I’m very proud of the fact that she saw something that was clearly wrong, and she stood up and said something. We can all learn from this! She stood up and spoke up for someone who was outnumbered and outsized. I praised her and told her to keep being this awesome human she is.
After contacting the principal, I will report that the boys were given a talking to and their parents were informed of their behavior. The principal had no idea Acacia was involved so she got a talking to about safety but was also thanked and praised by the principal for being a good friend and student.
I’m always amazed by how far we have come as a little family and it’s situations like this that make me forget that she’s adopted. The amount of similarities in our nature alone blew my mind from day one. I got into many sticky situations for doing the exact same and back then, it never got reported. The bullies just went on their way and on to the next victim, but I always spoke up and stood up. Until this happened, I have never talked about my similar experiences growing up. Crazy huh!
I was all about fairness and more importantly, right vs wrong and my circle today will attest that I still am. Some would describe me as “militant” but that’s me!
It makes my heart smile knowing she knows right from wrong but also that she listens when we or any of the role models in her life talk and teach. She has always had a very caring, loving and protective nature and between parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, cousins, coaches and friends there are many forces that teach and nurture this one. It starts with parents yes, but it does take a village so when I say nature vs nurture, in my opinion you can’t have one without the other.
Acacia’s closing statements included:
- Mummy, it was only one shot, but you know I have good defense, so my hands were up!
- I didn’t punch back because we don’t use our boxing outside of the gym.
- I helped my friend and he didn’t mean to hit me. It was truly an accident.
- I knew it was wrong and did something about it.
#bullyingiswrong #handsup #minime #mommyandme #moms #speakout #speakup #standup #stayreal alwayslearning boxing mommy daughter nature nurture
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