Ring Talk Episode 3: Life Outside

Ring Talk Episode 3: Life Outside
Life outside vs life inside the ring is what is what it is.
It’s not so different when you look at it metaphorically and if one thing was clearer than clear right now, boxing (and personally I think sports in general) teaches you so much about yourself as well as those around you. You learn about family in both the literal and figurative sense, about teamwork, practicing solo, leadership, the difference between confidence and cockiness and gosh, so many amazing human traits that it is bound to influence your day to day!
You become open to being constantly challenged and encouraged to step outside of your comfort zone but at the same time, not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. You want to inspire and uplift others, give them encouragement and the confidence to stand tall, step up and show up. You are proud!
In a perfect world it will always be so but it also takes all kinds to make the world go round right? It takes all kinds to make sure we’re constantly working on ourselves and/or our craft. Perfect to me is continuous learning and growth, experiencing the good and not so good emotions and sharing that story in the hopes of inspiring others. Perfect is always being tested and challenged. Perfect is where we will be able to show resilience, tenacity, flexibility, patience, love, pride and more. Most of all, perfect to me is finding that deep strength that leads to a boldness within to make you leap or jump into the next chapter of your world. That leap though, doesn’t always include the “how” – you just know what you need to do.
Here I am. I recently took a confident walk into the unknown and I’m still here and I am better for it. Add our current COVID19 pandemic into the mix, homeschooling, isolation (and then some), and I got me quite the world huh! Yes, the unknown can be scary and just that – UNKNOWN – and only I can make it mine with what I do know – make sense? I know I have some awesome tools in my personal toolbox. You know, the type that money can’t buy. Confidence, passion, motivation, a network, a reputation, passion, grit and a work ethic that is priceless! These are the things I needed to take an inventory of and they are the things that reminded me of what I bring to the table…and the ring…of course.
It’s a new beginning and I’m here for it. Present and ready. We learn as we fall but we as long as we grow in the process, we’re doing that part right. Sure, everyone’s environment differs – different coaches/leaders who come with different methods and sometimes agendas but take what you want or need from each and figure out what’s helping us vs hurting us. We need to be in a safe enough space to be able to be vulnerable, to be able to fall and fall apart (because that’s ok) but let’s make sure we learn and then rise again. And with the right support, we always do.
Moral of the story?
As humans, we get caught up in life. Can’t help it right? I was always good at separating work from home, from the gym and so on but it got intertwined during a time of extreme vulnerability without me even knowing it until it was almost too late. There is a quote somewhere out there “people or situations can only make you feel inferior if you let them/it” and it is true. Somewhere during my journey, I had to learn this, and it was a really, really hard life lesson. One that hurt in so many dark places but now, I say cheers to my next chapter. I always have the faith and belief that setbacks (like injuries) are temporary and the comebacks….
…well watch out world because it will be epic!
#champion #fighter #inandoutthering #lifeisgood #lifeislit #ringtalk #life athlete believe bereal beyou beyourownkindofbeautiful boxer boxing confidence faith family grit jump justdoit leap love newbeginnings passion strongismybeautiful
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