‘Tis the season!

What is the plan for this holiday season folks?
For us, it will be like the rest of 2020 and just like everyone else, we won’t be doing anything like holiday seasons of the past. This year is different from a work perspective too so yes, working for ourselves and still need to do “stuff” so we can kick off 2021 properly but definitely going to slow it down. I’ve already started by making a decision to push out an exam to the first week of January vs trying to fit it in before the year ends. A small decision but huge growth for me AND, having Acacia home for 2 weeks, and possibly more, will force me (and daddy) to do less.
So, what exactly is on the roster? These are some ideas, not an exhaustive list because we’re a spontaneous bunch too and also in no order of importance. Here goes:
Still do Christmas!
- Even if it’s just the three of us, the table will be set and decorated with all the Christmas goodies. Even Christmas crackers and yes, will dress for the occasion!
- This is something we all enjoy doing and doing it together is way more fun! The cookie baking has started but I mean there is still all the traditional dishes that need to be prepared and even while on a much smaller scale this year, it’s something that solidifies that it’s the holidays! Food is part of our culture and good food at that. We’ll have mince pie, leg of lamb, akhni, corned tongue……and so much more. What are some of your family or cultural traditions?
- I have two books I’ve been trying to finish for months but I’ve prioritized business reading and professional education this year. Getting there slowly though and I’m sure both Mohammad Ali and Michelle Obama would love me to pick up something else in 2021 – maybe not lol. Acacia has asked for some books from Santa which warms my heart because I was a bookworm right from the womb. She’s currently into the “Craftily Ever After” and also “The Magic Treehouse” series which she started reading at school. We read together – I love it. PS: I got her some of these as a little extra gift for Christmas.
Get outside Fabings!
- It’s no secret that all three Fabing members living in Canada prefer the warmer weather. That said we’re no strangers to getting bundled up to get into the winter spirit. Building a snowman, a hike, walks and who knows even hit a hill for some tobogganing is not out of the question. Coming home to some hot chocolate (add a shot of Bailey’s for mom and dad) will be worth that trek. PS: I will attempt some more outside runs weather permitting lol.
Online Shopping
- I know, I’ve probably done enough buuuut it is my birthday month and I mean, I always buy myself a little something something!
Zooms and Video Chats
- Definitely scheduling a few of these with family here in Canada as well as South Africa. It’s not the same and many of us are Zoomed out if you know what I mean but bring your favourite bevvie and saying cheers to just making it, is just one reason to join another.
Drive-in and more family movie nights
- Friday nights have become our official family movie night (but unofficially I’ll add Saturday and Sunday too), so more of these for sure. Popcorn, cheese and wine here we come! There is also still time to give Acacia the drive-in experience. I know!! We haven’t gone yet but the goal is to remedy it over the holidays and go hang out at Ontario Place!
Making memories
- I believe in collecting memories vs things and when Acacia talks or reminisces about something we did or experienced as a family and how much fun she/we had, I’ve done just that. So, let’s not let this year prevent us from making the best family memories!
Share some of your own family activities with me – maybe I’ll pinch some ideas from your lists and I love hearing what other families and cultures do/eat/drink over the holidays so let’s hear it!
Many of us are already anticipating what 2021 will bring but for now, I’ve made myself a promise to be in the moment and enjoy the next two weeks with my family. Eat lots, laugh lots and take as many family pictures and selfies as possible so that when we look back, we remember that despite it all, we did it.
A happy holiday season from us!

Old pic but same vibe. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all.
#activities #bemerry #eatandbemerry #food #Happyholidays #holidayseason #inspire #lifeisgood #merrychristmas #movies #selflove #strongismybeautiful bereal beyou Christmas family grateful gratitude love
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