Holiday workouts: Slow down, ramp up, stay the course?

Be you, always!

Holiday workouts: Slow down, ramp up, stay the course?

December 23, 2020 My People 0


What’s your workout vibe for the holiday season?  Slow down and get some extra rest?  Ramp it up because you got some time off work?  Cruise control?

Whatever it is – DO YOU!!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you will know that it doesn’t matter where I am over the holidays, training continues and people always ask: “but why Shireen”?  I usually answer with “why not”, somewhat kidding but this is my lifestyle – that’s it.  Another motivator was the annual Brampton Cup – an Olympic style boxing tournament  that I got to come back to training for and I did not want to miss a beat!  I’m assuming no tournament in Feb 2021 yet.  Also, I always met some really dope coaches, fellow athletes and just folks who share the same love of movement from Mexico, to Cuba to Cape Town.  This is the first year in seven that we’re not going anywhere whether it’s a week to a hot destination a few hours away, or 3+ weeks to visit family in South Africa.

Funny and true story – our first winter here in Canada, now 18 years ago, Ashley and I were so confused.  Everyone we met and/or worked with went away for a week at least to some destination south of the border.  After that first and very long winter, we were done with the cold and the following year did the same, and we got it haha!   That little break, getting some sun and switching off for a week really makes a big difference in resetting and breaking up the long Canadian winter.

Back to the topic.  Holiday training and workouts?  Yay or nay?

I will still be moving.  My my virtual classes and 1:1 coaching will happen for anyone who wants it but, the body will get some additional and much needed rest for sure.  Movement for me, especially early morning movement is part of my daily self-care and self-love ritual, so I won’t cut it out.  It’s my way of honouring my body and my way of showing gratitude for what this body has achieved and what it’s able to do.  That said, I will slow it down and try to be a bit more spontaneous while still achieving those same daily self-love goals.  I’m a firm believer in consistency and that means in everything you do including self-care routines – and mine includes a good daily sweat.

Many of us also have the kids home for Christmas break and now for longer due to the extended lockdown.  I’ll have my little training partner most days and sessions with her are more about making memories.  More about watching her share my love for boxing and training.  Most days she’s in and out – work a little, play a little and laugh a lot.  Mamas out there, I’m sure you can relate and have your own kiddie scenario to insert here but, in these moments, you get what you get as long as you move.  And enjoy it!  I’ve had to learn to let go and not be so rigid and regimented when she’s around and now, these moments with her is something I savour, enjoy and appreciate.

Training day – Coach Acacia with Shireen The Machine!

I have been training throughout Covid to stay ready for when we can compete again as many athletes have been doing, and I’ll be honest, it’s a big part of what has gotten me through 2020.  In my basement, backyard, in the gym (for that short time we were allowed back in) in nature, cycling – whatever it was, it was medicine and therapy all in one .  My visual is always walking into a ring again ready, with my coaches beside me and an opponent across from me just as ready to rumble.  Yup, I’m aware it may be a while, but I also choose positivity over everything else.  K, thanks.

So back to you this holiday season!  Your version of movement is just that, yours!  We’re all tired and whether you think it’s just mentally and/or emotionally, it affects the body.  At least for me, that is 100% accurate.  The world slowed down this year and we were supposed to as well and in some areas of our lives we did, but in reality, most of us still had to and tried to hustle to survive.  Some took the down time to achieve some goals and start or finish a passion project that was sitting on the back burner which is amazing!  Movement is a key component of living a healthy balanced lifestyle but so is rest, so is being kind to yourself and so is celebrating that we’ve all made it this far, through this whirlwind of a year!

Keep moving.  Invite your family to join you.  Take pics and shoot funny videos and watch them together.  We’re all celebrating very differently this year and will have some extra time on our hands.  Use it well.  Put on some music and celebrate ALL things big and small.  If anything, that is bound to keep you moving this holiday season!

Getting our virtual classes in!