Reflecting & Looking Ahead: 2021 vs 2022

As we reflect on 2021 and look ahead to 2022 let’s not be too hard on ourselves. It’s December and we’re getting to that point where we start looking to see if we’ve checked all the boxes. You know the ones I’m talking about. Those January 2021 ones we all made. Whether we call them resolutions or goals, we all have them stored somewhere. In a book, on a vision board or in our heads.
PS, I’m a goal vs resolution gal.
Whether it was as simple as joining a gym or eating healthier to something more complex like starting a new business or landing five new 6-figure revenue clients per quarter, we all got something.
And here we are. One more month and we’re into another year. Crazy how time flies but crazier is how we can change or rather, evolve over the course of 12 short months. Have you started assessing the last 11 months? I have.
Assessing all the lofty goals I put out for myself – some of which were pie in the sky ones and others more realistic and easily attainable. Just reviewing all the affirmations and manifesting I’ve done and continue to do – I’m already smiling. Smiling because I realized that some were not as “out there” as I thought they might be. I achieved some of the crazy so do aim high – you only need YOU to believe.
I believe it’s good to set goals both in life and/or in business. I don’t believe in goals taking over and stopping us from living, but they should help drive you and your purpose. My goals and aspirations keep me focused, motivated and consistent and because they are mine and mine alone, I can change or course correct at any time. I learnt this a long time ago and thank God because with my personality, it would take over everything!
My 9-year-old has her own “goal book” as she calls it. She keeps this one at school because the goals are related to that environment. At this age they are short-term, but I’ll tell you the pride I see in her little face when she shares that she checked off something off her goal list, it’s priceless. She’ll share the goal and then share the events that led up to her achieving it and it’s phenomenal that she can put it together. It’s not something I sat and taught but it’s through watching me, I know that. She’ll also tell me about things that have been on the list for a few weeks but that she’s not worried, the opportunity to tackle it will present itself and it will be the right time. I love this.
So now, question time: “what if you didn’t hit all those 2021 goals? What are you going to do? Will it be the be all end all for you?”
I originally made a list of what NOT to do and from a reader’s perspective, it could have presented really negative in what I wanted to be a positive piece here. To summarize from a personal perspective – I will not cry or beat myself up about it…
…BUT, here are some things I will do:
- Count my blessings: Cheesy or cliché? You choose but taking stock of everything around me and expressing gratitude releases feel good emotions and hormones. Who doesn’t need that? Family, friends, support, a home and not to mention all the opportunities and business ventures I took on this year. Doing things I love, on my terms. Priceless. I’m living my best life…or my best hustle as it feels like most days. Either way, wouldn’t trade it.
- Continue to celebrate all the wins: Small, medium or large, the milestones I’ve achieved as well as those still to come deserve a celebration, a shout out or a pat on the back. For me it’s not really validation or recognition from others but more so from myself. I always had the mindset that I’m my only competition and I only need to improve myself to achieve what I need to. And I don’t always celebrate with bubbly but just taking it in, savouring the moment and saying out loud “I did that” is a great feeling. Although…. bubbly does kinda make it feel official am I right?
- Keep going: Here’s where I share. I had to make a tough decision about five months ago. I walked away from a consulting gig – one that I loved and was truly passionate about. I wasn’t where I wanted to be a year in and so I decide to redirect all that energy toward my own business ventures and passions. It was the right decision. Sure, I felt a certain kind of way about it but as I previously stated, they’re my goals so being flexible comes with the territory. So, am I where I thought I would be 11 months later? Maybe, but I can always do better and be better. It’s all a work in progress. I’m not perfect but strive to be the best I can be, so I’m going to keep going.
With all that said, now we start looking toward 2022 and the things we want to achieve, the lists of goals, aspirations, and the pressure to have a New Year’s resolution(s). Fam, don’t do it to yourself! The pressure part I mean. We’re coming up to 2 years of insanity. ALL. OF. US. So, just doing your best, should be enough. Whatever you plan to achieve and whether you write it down nor not, they’re yours and yours alone and if you don’t have any on Jan 1st – who cares?
Day to day I give 110%. It’s always my best foot forward and if all I can show for this past year (or 11 months) is how I have grown as a person, well that is hella fine! During that growth I had many light bulb moments but even bigger than that, so many learnings and two big ones for me are that setting healthy boundaries are necessary and that having conflict is healthy. Leaving that last one there for you – never heard or experienced a better truth.
I shared a little and will stay the course of living my passion & purpose which is to spread my message that strength equals beauty – and no matter what that looks like or feels like to you, you got this.
#goals 2021 2022 achievements aspirations be kind be kind to ourselves beauty beyou beyourownkindofbeautiful count your blessings do your best evolution evolve gratitude keep going life is good manifesting new years resolutions planning reflecting resolutions strength strong is my beautiful strongismybeautiful
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