FEBRUARY: Make it the month of you!

February is about love they say so why not make it about loving you?
I recently saw the funniest post that read: “January was a long year!” While it gave me a good laugh it does seem like it’s always the longest month. I think it’s because January is THAT month for many. You know, the pressure to have your goals for the year set. The pressure to start and go all in or not at all. Then, there’s the pressure to keep up with so and so and so and so. I’m here to say nope! It doesn’t have to be. You’re in control!
I’m not a New Year’s resolution gal and I’m not a “new year new me gal”. Yes, I have goals like everyone else and I set those for me first and foremost. I’d be lying if I said (that in the past) I’ve never felt that pressure or I’ve never compared my progress to another person because well, we’re human and we know what we know. Over the years I’ve learnt some things through both lived and learned experiences and one of them is the importance of loving and being kind to ourselves. I’ll share a few more:
Everyone learns and progresses at their own pace. There’s only one of you so what’s working for them may not work for you in the same timeframe or even at all. As long as you are consistent in your daily tasks or following your plan, your results will show.
Consider outside factors and elements that could contribute to your progression. I’m not talking about excuses 😊 but you may have a health issue, injury, a stressful day or LIFE happens, and you need to adjust and adapt. That’s ok, and then proceed.
Also, your view of someone’s progression might different from what they are experiencing or thinking. So, use it as inspiration and use it as an opportunity to give them props for their hard work too. They’ll appreciate it and it costs nothing!
As I gradually added boxing coach & personal trainer to my resume, it was and still is important for me to see clients succeed. The most important piece of the puzzle is setting them up for success. Together we set a plan of action that works for the individual vs a one for all approach.
Some love the all or nothing approach and it works for them but many view it as taking away every pleasure they have, and I find they go into it with one foot outside the plan. Yes, some can change that mindset but it’s probably also the reason people start and then fall off the wagon fast.
Whatever box you fall in, make sure you have a plan or work with your trainer or nutritionist to come up with one that is realistic and attainable. Most importantly, make sure you’re having fun!
We have good days, and we have what I like to call “character building days”. Do what you need to do on those latter days. Take a rest day, push through it, have a comforting meal or drink and when you’ve caught your breath, get back to business. Those goals are not going anywhere and frankly, you need to be sharp and focused to achieve them. Focus on the task at hand and moving forward instead of dwelling on a bad day or a mistake.
My word of the year is FOCUS. I have things I want to work towards this year and it’s easy to get sidetracked and put your energy elsewhere. Focus on the positive and what it is you want to achieve and keep putting one foot in front of the other. There will always be obstacles and setbacks along the way but don’t let people or a bump in the road throw you off your path. Focus on the prize and remember, we all thrive when things are going smoothly but staying focused during adversity is the real flex.
I didn’t want to make this too lengthy but these are just little reminders to us all. My passion/purpose is helping you be or find the best version of yourself and we can’t do that without the proper tools or plans set in place. I hope this piece helps you or reminds you to set yourself up for success or at least provide a guide to help you set you on your path. I can and would love to help anyone directly so feel free to contact me through here or via my social channels. I look forward to it.
January may have been a long month but we’re days into February! Keep going and while you’re loving or spoiling your special someone this month, make sure you take some of it for yourself! Self-love is the first step to being able to share and express it to others. Being kind to yourself and showing yourself a little extra TLC is part of your journey. If it’s not yet, make sure you think about ways to include it daily!
Keep going. Stay strong. Stay beautiful.
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