Recovery is Strength & Knowledge is Power

Be you, always!

Recovery is Strength & Knowledge is Power

September 16, 2024 My People 0


Has someone ever impressed or inspired you so much that you’re bursting with pride – just to know them and hear their story?  We all have one and mine is my childhood bestie who celebrated 6 years of sobriety this month!

ICYMI, September is National Recovery Month.  From my research, it should be “international” but, semantics, right?  When we have a month or a day to recognize a group or milestone, it’s usually to bring awareness and I don’t think there is enough around the topic of addiction and mental health so if this piece resonates with you, PLEASE give it a share.

Addiction and/or mental health looks different from one person to the next and I’ll be honest, I had no idea my friend was going through ANY type of addiction.  I was shocked when she opened up and told her story, but a lot made sense.  I only wish I could have been closer in proximity to her (she’s in Cape Town) all these years!

I remember the day she told me.  It was January 2020, and she was around or close to her 2 years.  We were at the beach having a little catch up sitting in the ocean.  At that time, I was trying to decide whether or not to stay in the job I was in.  Because of this job, my anxiety levels were through the roof – in short, I was a different person and didn’t really recognize myself.  I had just told her little bits about my situation but didn’t really want to talk about it because I felt so low, ashamed even that I had made such a poor life/job choice.

As she started telling me her story, I felt an incredible calm come over me and just listened.  I was in absolute awe of my friend, and as she shared details, so much made sense.  Her journey was long and hard (extremely hard at times), and I always knew that. She ended with how strong she always thought I was and how I had always been an inspiration to her and most of all, how she missed me all the years.  The most profound thing she said, “if I could do this, knowing that I deserve better, don’t worry Shireen, you’ll do the right thing for yourself and you’ll get through it”.  I remember feeling so overwhelmed at that point but at the same time, all my woes just seemed to escape.  I was so proud and happy for her.  I felt empowered by her strength in a way I never knew I could.  All that I was feeling was probably me processing everything but it’s a day and a moment that will forever be etched in my memory.

I have never been more proud of anyone and it was in that moment that I realized that there are bigger, better and more real things in this world than any corporate gig – especially one that caused me so much pain.   The strength of someone strong enough to say “ENOUGH” and take the steps on a new path is what gave me strength that day and I’ve not looked back.  I was in absolute awe of her and fast forward to today, I still am.  My friend celebrated 6 years of sobriety this month and she is thriving.  Over the last few years, I’ve seen her come out of her shell, make choices that put her first, build her career and I feel that it’s only the tip of iceberg!

Most of all, she’s a mother and grandma.  Her kids are thriving and living good, fulfilled lives.  Reality?  Life is still life’ing but with her support network and the coping tools she’s worked on over the years, she has learnt to work through the highs and the lows with confidence and perseverance.

I’m not a therapist or an expert in this area – far from it.  I’m just a woman who wants to raise awareness on the topic and the stress the importance of having the right people in your corner when you are ready to take that new or next step.  I also want to celebrate someone in my life who continues to inspire me every day and encourage you to do the same.  Knowledge is power and while there is still a stigma around addiction and mental health, why not use our platforms to educate and empower?

Strength is beauty and comes in all shapes, sizes and genders.  Anyone with the courage to choose themselves over the easy way out exudes a beauty that holds no price tag!

I love you, Jolene!