GRACE – Nobody can and will give you the grace that you deserve. Read that again. I say it with my chest as I stand on all ten toes doing so! YOU are responsible for it.
Let’s talk about it!
I’m no different from the next person in that life is full of obstacles and curve balls. Either you play victim and wallow in self-pity OR, you pull yourself towards yourself and keep going. Personally, I take breaks along the way to refuel and recharge but I soldier on. At least that’s my MO. The obstacles and hurdles are all lessons and all we can do is be better and do better. Period.
My year was not short of obstacles. Little ones, funny ones, the challenging ones and I was graced (pun intended) with a big finisher. I suffered a concussion early October. Boom! A mild one they said and I’m fine now but I’ll say this, doing your mandatory training as coach and experiencing one are two totally different experiences. All the tea on it is probably a blog post on its own but there’s a lot that’s not told in training or in any Google search. The emotional rollercoaster, the dark thoughts, the need to keep pushing because well, pride and ego. Losing all confidence in yourself and did I mention the need to keep pushing and the need to keep showing up!
It was during this time that I realized that I needed to show up for myself first and it was then that my mindset started to change. Pause here real quick please.
I’m also a word of the year gal. Three years now I’ve chosen a word and made sure that everything I do feeds into it, feeds off of it and in times of uncertainty, I can come back to it to put me and keep me on track. For example, 2024 was FOCUS. In short, it just meant to focus on the right things. Choose my projects and choose my battles. If it didn’t help my overall well-being, I moved along.
I was uncertain about whether or not I should continue with a 2025 word of the year, and it was mostly because I couldn’t pick something that made sense to me. Well fam, it picked me. This word, grace, kept popping its head during my recovery period. And we can press play again. Thanks.
I found myself telling myself (and by telling, I mean saying it out loud, repeatedly): “Be kind to yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” The best one was: “Give yourself the grace you give to others.” It popped up a few times before I realized that this was my word of the year. My gift to myself and a nice addition to my self-care toolkit.
That’s how it happened, and I’ve been sitting with it for about 3-4 weeks waiting to start the new year BUT I’ve decided to start it today. December 29th is when my next trip around the sun begins and my gift to myself is GRACE. I give it freely but I’m hardest on myself. I know I’m not the only one so, even if my story here sounds a little “out there”, hopefully it resonates with somebody out there.
You’ll always hear it here. “Strength is beauty. She’s vulnerably, growth, being strong when she needs to but allowing herself to have a softer side. Strength is so many things and we all have it in us.”
This is 53. Happy Birthday to me. Older, always aspiring to be wiser and definitely still a strong, bad bitch.
Stay strong & stay beautiful!!!
#birthday #birthdayblog #writer #blogger #woman #strongwoman #cheerstome #triparoundthesun #happybirthday #celebrate
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