Category: My People

Be you, always!

Running for Change and dressed in purple to support!

Running for Change!

Fact:  August 9th is National Women’s Day in South Africa.  This year  women (and yes men too) across the globe supported by running for change.  I ran my 10km in Sudbury, ON, Canada with my family supporting and cheering me on. Quick share here –  I had this piece ready the same week Jacob Blake…
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September 3, 2020 0

Ring Talk Episode 4:  Consistency

We’re back to the gym this week folks!  Ring talk! Athletes, coaches and everyone in-between, COVID19 took something very dear to us all for a what seemed like an eternity!  Yes, we’ve been working, staying active and if you’re like me, maybe you took the opportunity to rest more and include some other disciplines –…
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June 19, 2020 0

When you’re ripe, you rot…

When you’re ripe you rot, when you’re green you grow.  – unknown Unknown (to me) but it’s a good one.  I’ve had bosses, mentors and coaches use it.  I have as well in my own moments of teaching and efforts at inspiring others. What’s this got to do with boxing, or anything in life for…
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May 9, 2020 0

Ring Talk Episode 3: Life Outside

Ring Talk Episode 3:  Life Outside Life outside vs life inside the ring is what is what it is. It’s not so different when you look at it metaphorically and if one thing was clearer than clear right now, boxing (and personally I think sports in general) teaches you so much about yourself as well…
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April 22, 2020 0

Nature vs Nurture

A short one but so noteworthy! “Mummy, I have to tell you something buuuut you may not like it”. That could mean ANYTHING so I joke and say, “should I be sitting down for this or just walk away now while it’s safe”.  We laugh together. Opening statement: “So I got punched in the head…
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November 9, 2019 0


Summer is not quite over but fall is around the corner.   Back to school means back to regular routines.  Routines mean back to the grind and I’m all for it.  Tournaments and club shows here I come!   Training never stopped but it did lighten up somewhat or rather, I allowed myself to ease…
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September 2, 2019 0

Defeat is Not an Option!

“Cancer is coming for us all!” – Leslie Ehm.  She also believes that Defeat is NOT an option! I always thought I knew what she meant, and I did/do but I never felt it until recently.  News of yet another family member suffering and going through treatment sent my head down memory lane so yeah,…
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December 26, 2018 0

Family, food and gratitude!

Like many cultures where every celebration starts with food, mine is no different.  In fact, it’s not a celebration without it and there is always an abundance.  It’s like you’re expecting at least ten more guests!  And I’ll tell you, growing up there was always the possibility of an unexpected guest for a meal or…
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November 23, 2018 1

I feel pretty!

A recent conversation with my 6-year-old sparked this one.  The end is good and that is that she understands that “I feel pretty” has a bigger meaning than just those three words.  I’ll narrate how we got there though. I know, I know!!!  This conversation already ugh.  It still sits a little heavy when I…
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October 14, 2018 0

Like a girl – what does it mean?

Do “it” like a girl has become so popular.  I’ve been asked many times what it means, and my response is always “in general” or “to me personally”?  I like the latter because if people don’t get the former then, well, they probably never will. It’s hard not to look around and wonder where the…
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July 12, 2018 0