Tag: athlete

Be you, always!

Ring Talk Episode 5: The Comeback!

  This comeback story is not about coming back after a loss in the ring but more so after a victory post pandemic.  A victory that screams “I’m back” and ready to rumble!  This might be my version and sharing just one aspect of my life, but it’s for all of us.  We’ve all been…
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October 25, 2021 0

Fierce, Confident, Unstoppable, Beautiful: Make these feelings the norm!

  More red lipstick please!  I want to wear it whenever I can.  In fact, I want to create more opportunities to whip it out.  There’s something about my Ruby Woo shade by M.A.C. cosmetics that makes me want to strut!  The belief that I can accomplish anything and make everything work.  I want to…
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February 24, 2021 0

Tools, Tips & Truths: A Health & Fitness Series by Shireen Fabing

  Oh hey! This is an ongoing blog series sharing my favourite tools, tips and truths related to health, fitness and wellness.  My take, my perspective and my experiences.  We all wear many hats these days so these will be from my perspectives as a mom, an athlete, boxing coach, personal trainer and entrepreneur –…
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January 1, 2021 0

Holiday workouts: Slow down, ramp up, stay the course?

  What’s your workout vibe for the holiday season?  Slow down and get some extra rest?  Ramp it up because you got some time off work?  Cruise control? Whatever it is – DO YOU!! If you’ve been following me for a while, you will know that it doesn’t matter where I am over the holidays,…
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December 23, 2020 0

Tools, Tips & Truths: A Health & Fitness Series by Shireen Fabing

Oh hey! This is an ongoing blog series sharing my favourite tools, tips and truths related to health, fitness and wellness.  My take, my perspective and my experiences.  We all wear many hats these days so these will be from the perspective of me as a mom, an athlete, boxing coach, personal trainer and entrepreneur…
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December 9, 2020 0

Supplements – my scoop!

With so many supplements out there, how do we know which ones are the right ones for us?  Some days I look at all my vitamins and supplements and two thoughts spring out at me: I’m in the wrong business and I need a sponsor! To answer the “how do I know which is for…
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November 6, 2020 0


I get told often I have lots of goals and make many personal challenges.  It’s always in a positive context and it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy on the inside when people say this trait of mine really inspires them.  I’ll be honest, I set even more goals this year!   They keep pushing…
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November 1, 2020 0
Running for Change and dressed in purple to support!

Running for Change!

Fact:  August 9th is National Women’s Day in South Africa.  This year  women (and yes men too) across the globe supported by running for change.  I ran my 10km in Sudbury, ON, Canada with my family supporting and cheering me on. Quick share here –  I had this piece ready the same week Jacob Blake…
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September 3, 2020 0

Ring Talk Episode 3: Life Outside

Ring Talk Episode 3:  Life Outside Life outside vs life inside the ring is what is what it is. It’s not so different when you look at it metaphorically and if one thing was clearer than clear right now, boxing (and personally I think sports in general) teaches you so much about yourself as well…
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April 22, 2020 0

When one door closes…

…well, we all know how that saying goes right?  In my case though, two opened and boy did I step inside! A follow up from my last post – take a read if you have the time.  The 2nd Annual West Coast Wonder Women tournament was not in the cards for me in 2019 and…
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July 14, 2019 0