Tag: boxer

Be you, always!


I get told often I have lots of goals and make many personal challenges.  It’s always in a positive context and it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy on the inside when people say this trait of mine really inspires them.  I’ll be honest, I set even more goals this year!   They keep pushing…
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November 1, 2020 0
Running for Change and dressed in purple to support!

Running for Change!

Fact:  August 9th is National Women’s Day in South Africa.  This year  women (and yes men too) across the globe supported by running for change.  I ran my 10km in Sudbury, ON, Canada with my family supporting and cheering me on. Quick share here –  I had this piece ready the same week Jacob Blake…
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September 3, 2020 0

Lessons in Quarantine

  Last week I ran three consecutive km’s.  Twice I may add!  By EOW I aim to be at 5km.  I’m recovering from a knee injury and due to COVID, suffered way too long before I could see a physiotherapist.  Healing has seemed like an eternity at this point! Sharing the lessons I’ve learnt during…
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July 20, 2020 1

Ring Talk Episode 3: Life Outside

Ring Talk Episode 3:  Life Outside Life outside vs life inside the ring is what is what it is. It’s not so different when you look at it metaphorically and if one thing was clearer than clear right now, boxing (and personally I think sports in general) teaches you so much about yourself as well…
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April 22, 2020 0

When one door closes…

…well, we all know how that saying goes right?  In my case though, two opened and boy did I step inside! A follow up from my last post – take a read if you have the time.  The 2nd Annual West Coast Wonder Women tournament was not in the cards for me in 2019 and…
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July 14, 2019 0

Mommy’s journey…

It’s a journey whether we reach the intended destination or not.  We move on. With that, my journey to the 2nd Annual West Coast Wonder Woman Tournament in Sooke, BC was a very public one and it’s only fitting to announce here that this year, that trip won’t be the destination I was working towards. …
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May 12, 2019 0

Ring Talk: Episode 2: When it clicks

She kept saying:   “It will click!  It will click!  And when it clicks you won’t be so frustrated”. She being coach Jennifer Huggins and true to form, the day it clicked was a beautiful moment and the frustration of not seeing or feeling the fruits of my none stop labour lifted immensely.  Now, I’ve since…
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November 4, 2018 0

The ink runs deep!

For someone who is known for taking the leap and figuring it out on the way down, getting inked is a long and very deep process for me and why not right?  It’s probably the most permanent thing you can do so yes, the ink runs deep indeed!  I’ve taken up to a year to…
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June 3, 2018 0

Breakfast of champions!

Overnight oats and I have come a long way and we’ve become total bffs.  I recently took a week or so break from it to switch things up a bit and I’m back on it and it feels so, so good. There are many different opinions and views on whether or not it’s good for…
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December 5, 2017 0

Good news and great fights!

To say this week my family received wonderful news is quite an understatement.  My mom is cancer free.  I let that sit for a bit before I continued this entry. I’m a live in the present, look ahead, future forward, forget the past kinda girl.  You know, like boxing a “get hit move on” attitude…
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November 26, 2017 0