Tag: friends

Be you, always!


  It’s that time of the year again!  Always nostalgic, always great memories. Most of all it’s a reminder of some of the most precious memories and connections our adoption journey has created.  As cliché as it sounds when they say, “blood doesn’t make you family”, it’s 100% true. This year we celebrated a decade…
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November 7, 2023 0

Marriage: What’s the tea?

It’s our anniversary and don’t worry, this won’t be sappy mushy post.  Rest assured, the love is still as deep as the mushiest out there. So it begs the question:  Is there something to be said for being married this long?  Is there a secret or tea to spill?  December 6, 2020 we’re celebrating 23…
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December 6, 2020 0

Dare to do you!

Each time I think I’ve got this “do you” bit, I realize that I have just scratched the surface.  Being me, doing me and accepting me.  While I strive to do so daily, I’ve come to realize that that there is more coming. As I continue to grow and as I get to know myself,…
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January 2, 2019 0

Defeat is Not an Option!

“Cancer is coming for us all!” – Leslie Ehm.  She also believes that Defeat is NOT an option! I always thought I knew what she meant, and I did/do but I never felt it until recently.  News of yet another family member suffering and going through treatment sent my head down memory lane so yeah,…
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December 26, 2018 0

My women of Inspo!

With a blog called “Strong is my Beautiful” and a mission to inspire and empower other women, how can I not have a say on International Women’s Day?  It may be the fastest entry I have written as I decided 3 days ago that I was going to so: going through what to write who…
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March 8, 2018 0

Good news and great fights!

To say this week my family received wonderful news is quite an understatement.  My mom is cancer free.  I let that sit for a bit before I continued this entry. I’m a live in the present, look ahead, future forward, forget the past kinda girl.  You know, like boxing a “get hit move on” attitude…
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November 26, 2017 0