Tag: #girlpower

Be you, always!


  Fierce since 1971!  Embracing half a century for 365 days to come.  Strap in my people! I turn 50 today and feeling gorgeous.  Mostly fierce but gorgeous too.  Truth be told, I’ve always been that way, the fierce part.  The gorgeous part came later in life.  You know, I had to start feeling it…
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December 29, 2021 0

Ring Talk Episode 5: The Comeback!

  This comeback story is not about coming back after a loss in the ring but more so after a victory post pandemic.  A victory that screams “I’m back” and ready to rumble!  This might be my version and sharing just one aspect of my life, but it’s for all of us.  We’ve all been…
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October 25, 2021 0

Create your happiness. Think it, believe it and real life it!

    If something doesn’t serve you or make you happy anymore it’s time to move on.  Create your happiness.  Start the first chapter of whatever that new story for you will be.  Think it, believe it and then real life it. The hard part is doing it or, speaking up and out. This was…
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March 16, 2021 0

Holiday workouts: Slow down, ramp up, stay the course?

  What’s your workout vibe for the holiday season?  Slow down and get some extra rest?  Ramp it up because you got some time off work?  Cruise control? Whatever it is – DO YOU!! If you’ve been following me for a while, you will know that it doesn’t matter where I am over the holidays,…
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December 23, 2020 0

When one door closes…

…well, we all know how that saying goes right?  In my case though, two opened and boy did I step inside! A follow up from my last post – take a read if you have the time.  The 2nd Annual West Coast Wonder Women tournament was not in the cards for me in 2019 and…
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July 14, 2019 0

Dare to do you!

Each time I think I’ve got this “do you” bit, I realize that I have just scratched the surface.  Being me, doing me and accepting me.  While I strive to do so daily, I’ve come to realize that that there is more coming. As I continue to grow and as I get to know myself,…
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January 2, 2019 0

Like a girl – what does it mean?

Do “it” like a girl has become so popular.  I’ve been asked many times what it means, and my response is always “in general” or “to me personally”?  I like the latter because if people don’t get the former then, well, they probably never will. It’s hard not to look around and wonder where the…
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July 12, 2018 0

Inspiration and Motivation – My Take.

I came to learn fast that I had to put quite a bit of time into writing since starting my little blog here.  Coming up with content and at the same time, posting content that my audience can relate to, ensuring it is digestible, regular and real all at the same time is a tall…
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April 17, 2018 0

My women of Inspo!

With a blog called “Strong is my Beautiful” and a mission to inspire and empower other women, how can I not have a say on International Women’s Day?  It may be the fastest entry I have written as I decided 3 days ago that I was going to so: going through what to write who…
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March 8, 2018 0