Tag: strength

Be you, always!

Recovery is Strength & Knowledge is Power

  Has someone ever impressed or inspired you so much that you’re bursting with pride – just to know them and hear their story?  We all have one and mine is my childhood bestie who celebrated 6 years of sobriety this month! ICYMI, September is National Recovery Month.  From my research, it should be “international”…
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September 16, 2024 0

June Vibes: Here’s what’s new & for you!

  How was your first five months of 2022?  Did you or do you reflect on it to plan and push forward, or course correct?  Do you lay out your plans meticulously with check boxes or just have it in your head?  I think we all have a version that keeps us on track.  Me? …
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June 2, 2022 0

Reflecting & Looking Ahead: 2021 vs 2022

  As we reflect on 2021 and look ahead to 2022 let’s not be too hard on ourselves.  It’s December and we’re getting to that point where we start looking to see if we’ve checked all the boxes.  You know the ones I’m talking about.  Those January 2021 ones we all made. Whether we call…
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December 2, 2021 0