I get told often I have lots of goals and make many personal challenges. It’s always in a positive context and it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy on the inside when people say this trait of mine really inspires them. I’ll be honest, I set even more goals this year! They keep pushing me, they hold me accountable and it’s how I grow. Also, these are the things I do for me so that my cup stays full. They are the affirmation(s) that remind that I CAN and so I thought I’d share some of what has kept me on my toes for 2020!
Just for some context. While ringing in the new year with family in South Africa was when I realized that I needed to make some massive changes career wise. In the moment I didn’t know what that was but what I do know is that being away and switched off for a full three weeks had a lot to do with helping me realize it. Reconnecting and opening up to family, old friends and mentors also helped me look in from the outside and being brave enough to say “enough” and ask myself where did I lose me! I had to walk away, so I did. I shocked many, but I did it. I know, I went deep for minute but back to positive vibes only!
This piece is not going into the minutia of what transpired to get me to that point. Another day and another blog for it but I will say that when I remembered who I was and that I was a strong, resilient queen who could achieve anything she decided to pour her heart and soul into I knew something had to give and I was ready for it.
Then came COVID19. So what?
After the initial shock at the onset and going through some days of processing, as did everyone else, I continued to push through. I had already checked off the first to-do item on my 2020 list (walking away) and I was determined to keep the momentum going.
So, let’s get into my list of challenges and goals I set to help keep me focused, hydrate the body and mind so I could what I needed to do for my family and I.
GOAL: Take the leap, JUMP!
Over the years I’ve said to my daughter on many occasions that one day I wouldn’t have rush off to work everyday and one day she wouldn’t have to wait until 6pm until one of us came to pick her up from after school care. My goal was to work and earn on my own terms eventually. I thought about it often too and late last year I started researching work from home opportunities. Many came up and some I dug into some while others I let pass and in March this year I took a leap or rather, made a very informed decision and started my own business. I’m officially an Amazon Seller and launched my first product late September. It was THE biggest learning curve I ever took on and I believe that my collective experience over the years prepared me for this journey. Click here to check it out and I’m on production of product number 2 and couldn’t be more proud.
Over the years I’ve been told many times “you can’t” for many reasons including – no money, lack of experience, too much on your plate already, you’re a girl, you’re a mom and so much more. They say success is the best revenge but more importantly in this case re-affirmed that:
GOAL: Early bird still catches it
From a young age I was always an early riser. Still am but the first few weeks of being home and then the onset of COVID 19, I struggled to get into a routine. I admit, it was hard!
One of the first things I did was go back to rising before the family and getting my day started. I was having a chat with my sis in law one day when it hit me. We were talking about creating a routine to stay sane during the current times and I thought it should start with the moment you open your eyes and for me – I’m at my finest in the AM! I like early. I have my me time, it’s quiet and the rush and hustle hasn’t begun yet. Most times it’s short but I get run or workout in and plan the day ahead. So yes, when those early IG posts happen…I’m really there in the moment!
CHALLENGE: Easy on yourself. Eat!
Let’s be clear “diet” doesn’t mean going on a diet i.e. starving and depriving ourselves. I don’t believe in that. Lived it – gosh I was always on one from my tween years into my late 20s. It was terrible. I still fight body image issues and it’s a lot of self-coaching that happens on those days. It’s a real thing that many people struggle with, both male and female.
Full transparency. Pre-covid my MO was always to be fight ready and with that came a very disciplined training and eating regiment. Clean & nutritious diet with very limited cheating and I tried to maintain a walkaround weight that was close my fight weight – give or take 5lbs. I always used to say that when I stopped fighting (nope, that day hasn’t come yet) I’d be more lenient and realistic when it came to this. I am no nutritionist, but I’ll tell you I was never hungry. I wasn’t starving and my meals were both nutritious and delicious. Ok wait, I’ll admit to one fight though (my 10th). By the morning of the fight I was beyond hangry. Read here for what seemed like the longest camp ever. The end though, was sweet!
I challenged myself or rather gave the civilian me the permission to eat and no, not crap all the time but eat the cake, the treat, have seconds and enjoy the mommy juice when I felt like having one or two with dinner. This, for the first time in 5 years and it wasn’t as hard as I imagined…once I was in it 😊.
As I write today (11/1/2020) I’m slowly going back to pre-covid lifestyle. I will be ready when they say “you have a fight Shireen”.
CHALLENGE: Improve Mental Health
Always important but I’m sure we can all agree, we needed it more this year. Between the two pandemics (yes, I there are 2!) being COVID and the racial one I found myself mentally exhausted by mid-week on some occasions. Part of my morning routine of rising early includes a workout and the lovely part is that working for myself and at home has not restricted me to the 20-30 minutes I was used to before. Also includes journaling and/or writing and a bit of reading. These things don’t have to take a long time and the time on each varies depending on priorities. Oh, and of course my to-do list for the day.
Walking, cycling and being out in nature all contribute to my mental health but I have to give yoga a huge S/O here. My first 30-day challenge I did back in April and I’ll tell you it felt great and so great I started another almost immediately after. I could feel the progression mentally but also, because I was using different muscles there were definitely strength gains in other areas like core and upper body. These I found on YouTube and will link it here because it really helped me tons. I tried a few but always come back to this particular yogi. They’re 20-35 minute sessions which I love, so a nice add on to a run or a morning workout. I still aim to practice around 3 times per week.

One with nature!
The key to this one was and still is consistency.
GOAL: Rest
No caption needed here but it was tough to sleep soundly and get 7-8 hours. I also had and still have hormone issues that started back in May and THAT presented a whole other set of challenges (also, another day and another blog post), but I persevered and stuck with a 10pm bedtime and eventually got there. Some days still better than others but better is the operative word.
I had to start running from scratch around late mid-April due to a knee injury and with no physio visits allowed at the time this recovery and rehab took almost 4 months. I have since fully recovered and I’m back to regular running. On August 9th I ran a virtual 10KM to raise awareness for Gender Based Violence (GBV) and now, as a global ambassador for Women for Change Run South Africa, I’m training for a virtual 21KM that I will run on 12/05/2020 for the same cause. Me, running 21KM! I’m excited and nervous!

International Ambassador
Running clears my head. It helps with clarity on issues that are weighing heavy on me and in turn helps me make decisions like letting go. It was on a run one day that I had a lightbulb moment and realized I needed to stop trying to fix things that I didn’t break. That these are teh things (and people) holding me back. So, picking my battles and letting things and people go has been very liberating.
Running empowers me. I was that person who said, “I’ll never be able to run” and “I can’t run”! I set a goal and about 10-ish years ago I ran my first 5KM in under 30 mins. After this small but important milestone I don’t say “I can’t” very often. In fact, I don’t remember when last I used those words and when the same people who tell me I inspire them say “I want to but I can’t….” my answer is always.
#beyoualways #challengeyourself #coach #consistency #contentcreator #covid19 #discipline #doyou #goals #icanandidid #inspire #selflove #taketheleap #yesyoucan athlete blogger boxer jump justdoit love strongismybeautiful
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