Be you, always!


September 14, 2021 Uncategorized 0


Do you ever feel guilty when you’re taking time to work on yourself?  Don’t!  Making yourself a priority is just that, a priority and more importantly it sets you up for success!

Here’s the thing – we all need a day or two off, a few hours alone, a solo walk, a break from social or a vacation!  These breaks are necessary whether they’re short or for extended periods of time and we should focus on physical and mental.

As humans we find excuses.  We give 110% of ourselves to family, friends, jobs and even strangers but when it comes to us, or at least for me, it used to go like this: “I can’t because this project needs me” or “they can’t do it without me” or “I’ll be letting people down” or “there’s no time” – I’m sure many of you can relate.  And let me add – if it was a party, we’d all make the time!

I come from the school of hard work.  Some through nurture but mostly by nature and for a long time it was the “go hard or go home” mentality.  That said, as I grew and gained more life experience, I strongly and firmly started to and still believe that rest and recovery needs to be just as consistent as putting in the work – and consistency is the key.  Like everything else in life, your recovery time needs to be part of the program.

Sure, we’ll get into a groove of adequate rest, self-care and relaxation and then we fall of that wagon.  Then it’s back to go, go, go until our bodies remind us “hey you, chill out” – and for me, it’s usually something random that will trigger.  Freak injury or sore muscles from training are taking longer to heal and not to mention the sudden lack of motivation – yes, even me.  So get in tune with reading yourself.  You’ll know.

The last year I’ve also realized that I seem to be needing more recovery time.  Not so much physically but mentally.  It goes without saying that we’re all mentally drained for so many different reasons.  However, the show – a.k.a. life – must go on and for me, it was starting to take frequent breaks and even if they were short, it was like a rest stop or water break on a long run.  It’s been helping me and with that, learning to say “no” – these two go hand in hand.

Most of all, it felt damn good!

I don’t have a list of things for you to do as we are all unique beings and we hold the power to correct and adjust what we need to in our lives.  Rather, here are some shares from my personal toolbox.  Enjoy!

Keeping a routine: 

  • I’ve always been wired this way and it’s what keeps me on track, grounded and centered and while I don’t like chaos, I can adapt – that comes always making sure I have a plan B lol. I’ve also incorporated more rest/recovery time into that routine (and indulged even more over the summer to spend some extra time with my family).  Morning routine includes tea, reading, writing or meditation and then moving and trying NOT to check my phone or computer before I’ve gotten through these.


  • Non-negotiable. Periodt!  And don’t be afraid to try new things or modify what you do and when you do it.  This summer I swapped my morning run to a walk.  Initially it started with to not being able to run due to a calf sprain but then realized I liked starting my day this way.  Previously I’d roll out of bed into running clothes, warm up and off I go – high energy and ready to beast out the day.  I’m sure I’ll get to that again (maybe during next fight camp) but different times call for different vibes right?  Also, being perimenopausal has forced me to look at different ways of moving because some days I may want to move one way and the body in another.

Slow down: 

  • A daily work in progress. “Just do it” is what I lived.  I think I came out the womb just doing.  For me, for everyone else and their best friend.  So, to slow down I look at my to do list and ask myself if it’s a MUST DO or a NICE TO DO and more importantly – is it serving me and how.

Be present: 

  • We’re all about multitasking am I right? My nine-year-old let’s me know how well she does it and I used to praise her for it!  My husband on the other hand is not a fan he very seldom multitasks and guess what?  He still gets his shit done!  So, after a lifetime of constant hustle and having this idea of always having multiple things on the go to ensure that I’m busy enough or giving enough, I’ve taken a page out of his book.  I’m currently working on single tasking (recently heard on a podcast by Jay Shetty) and can confirm that helps me be present in everything I do whether it’s reading, writing, family time or even on a call.  Try it, you’ll still get it done!

Eating well:

  • The goal is eat healthy, whole and homemade as much as possible. Included in that statement is nutritious, satisfying and delicious.  That’s it.

Stay hydrated:

  • A minimum of 2 litres of water per day – and coffee, juice and alcohol do not count! Tea yes but be careful what you put into it.  Take climate and activity levels into account as well when replenishing.  You’ll know when you need more.  My cue is foggy brain, or I feel a headache coming on.  Water keeps you hydrated, regular, helps with bloat and will avoid unnecessary muscle cramping when working out.  If anyone is interested – I pee a lot!!!


  • I always aimed for 8 hours but got around 6.5 or 7 most nights and I did well for most of my years. I mentioned my perimenopausal stage I’m going through earlier and this has been my biggest side effect.  Ugh!  I’m currently lucky if I get 5 consecutive hours of sleep.  There is the odd day I get an 8 and I’ll tell you, I feel like I can conquer the world!  Make sleep a priority!

Again, we’re the only ones who hold the power to create or adjust our day to day.  Like a diet or a workout, it’s not a one size fits all as we’re unique beings but you have to do the work and recognize your needs and then take action.

Get past the guilt of taking care of yourself first!

Good luck and let’s finish 2021 strong and not burnt out!