It’s 2022. Another year gone and it makes me wonder – what is a year anymore? I read my post from 01.01.2021 and THAT seems like yesterday!
2021 was busy. I experienced ups, downs, celebrated successes and had many great lessons along the way but as busy as it was in some ways, it certainly flew by in others. A nice reminder to cherish all the vibes and feel all the feels. It’s a gift to be here and experience everything we do. I just turned 50 back in late December – some people think that getting older changes people’s perception of you. For me, it’s a privilege to age and I embrace and appreciate my half century to the fullest.
I reflect on 2021 with pride. I had great wins and learnt many lessons. I set out to treat everything as an opportunity and did just that. It didn’t mean to say yes to everything but at least feel and hear it out. It also means that with every lesson learnt there is a teaching. I did my best to take those teachings from what didn’t go so well and first, not dwell on it too much but second, look for the opportunity. It’s always there, we just need to be open to finding it and letting it in and let me tell you, some lessons can come with pain and tears but there’s always a lesson. With everything I’ve tried, stopped or stuck with, I believe I’m where I’m supposed to be on my journey.
I’m humbled by all the support I’ve received in 2021, both directly and indirectly. Remember, some people don’t even realize that they’ve helped or inspired you and that goes both ways. This is why I preach “just do you”. We never know who’s lives we are impacting and who we’re motivating to be better through our own growth. So just keep going.
As I look ahead, the opportunities are endless. So many good places to put my energy, more opportunities to grow as well as to mentor and coach. It’s just a matter of prioritizing. A big learning for me in the last two years is making sure I’m prioritizing the right things. We can get sucked into so many trivial conversations and activities sometimes and then realize they don’t or didn’t contribute to any of our goals. For me it’s asking, “what 3-5 things do I absolutely need to accomplish today” and making sure I prioritize those. It’s what works for me and remember, there will always be “stuff”. Just make sure you get through what is serving you and your purpose first.
Last year I really stepped up my self-care game. I made that a 2021 priority and stuck to it and despite what the “critics” say, self-care is NOT a buzz word and nor is it selfish. It is also not a once a month or even once a week deal. In my opinion and now experience, and just like everything that is good in life, it needs to be a consistent part of your day to day to be effective. A constant and almost 99% non-negotiable for me is being up before the house is up and enjoying the silence. In that time, I fill the space with either reading, a short yoga flow, a run, writing – and to be clear I’m not doing all these things every day. I pick one, or sometimes literally just enjoying the silence while sipping on a tea. There is no excuse for making “you time”.
So, here’s to stepping into 2022 and focusing on the positive and the opportunities ahead. Focusing on the good I’m surrounded by and knowing that I can only do and be better – for me and for everyone around me. I’m not going to dwell on anything that went wrong, or rather the learnings, in 2021.
Whether in business or with relationships because without the stumbles, pitfalls and challenges, there is zero growth or learning and here’s to more of that!
#beyoualways #coach #consistency #inspire #learning #lessons #lifeisgood #lifelessons #selflove #sharing #strongismybeautiful #writer 2022 author beyou beyourownkindofbeautiful blogger gratitude growth happy new year love reflections thanks writing
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