Here we go again. 21 Days of lockdown currently in effect in Ontario.
Apparently, the virus spreads in gyms and restaurants so these businesses are the ones suffering and, in my opinion, they are the two things that greatly contribute to positive mental health. Movement and socializing with friends and family over a meal. These closures are affecting many small businesses as well as the people who both need and support them. Just like you, I’m frustrated and tired that we’re here AGAIN.
And that is it for my very real feelings and I’m positive many others are sharing that.
I’m sympathetic to families with kids at home. Parents back working from home and having to adjust their schedules. And anyone suffering with mental health issues, I feel your pain. Exercise and movement has been beneficial to me both physically and mentally as it has been for many and with the gym closures, virtual training is back! Believe me when I say this, gyms and trainers cannot wait to welcome you online. We’re here for you.
Now, the take on virtual workouts vary and while we can choose to rant or rave about them, I want to focus on some positives and benefits of not stopping just because there are restrictions as to where you can and can’t do it.
Anyone can do it and PLEASE bring the kids: Beginner, intermediate or advanced – there is an option for you. The various disciplines in the various sport categories are endless. Boxing and running are my go-to activities, but I’ve become consistent in my yoga practice thanks to YouTube. First lockdown my cousin hosted very well attended Zumba classes over Zoom all the way from Cape Town, South Africa. I joined weekly with my daughter and my mom tuned in from Sudbury, Ontario a few times as well. So bring the kids or the entire family! Kids need the movement just like we do as well as the variation thereof. It’s so good for their mental health and to expend some energy. If they pop in and out, let them. If they do the entire workout, amazing! All you need to do is search the internet or ask your local gym about their live or on-demand online options.
You don’t need a lot of room: With more people at home and many in apartments, I get it. Space is limited but you don’t need a lot of room. Work with what you have and modify as you need to. If you have enough room for a push up and a jumping jack, we can make that work no problem. OR, like a few clients have done and weather permitting of course, do it outside!
You don’t need fancy or any equipment: Most of my clients do not have a single weight, no booty bands or heavy bag and as coaches we are aware of this. It has certainly challenged me as a coach to deliver workouts that are adaptable and versatile. Body weight workouts are just as effective as using equipment so it’s all about flexibility and modifications. That said, training virtually has forced trainers and clients to get creative. Canned goods, water bottles and large detergent bottles make for good resistance training!
Flexibility: With all the on-demand options you can workout on your own time. No rushing from work to get to a class, no traffic etc. We’ve all had to learn to be more flexible over the last almost 2 years and this is no different. If anything, it’s another skill you’re sharpening and you can sweat in your own space!
Go at your own pace: Literally. If you’re alone and you’re just starting out it’s ok to start slow and build as you go along. There’s no added pressure of feeling self concious or intimidated if you’re the newbie in class. If it’s live (still virtual) with a trainer then communication is key and while I like online class participants to turn on their cameras, I also understand if someone is not comfortable when they start. I will ask every class if they are ready and eventually, the cameras come on!
Builds confidence: With consistency you get better and as you get better you feel stronger and THAT is a badass process. Usually, we start a fitness regime with an idea of how we’ll look on the outside and most times, as it was for me, it turns out that the more important piece is how you FEEL and that comes from the inside. Confidence is a feeling and how you feel on the inside will definitely show on the outside.
Keeps you motivated: The consistency that builds the confidence will keep you motivated, and you will keep going. The changes you will see, and feel are well worth it. I promise you this and if you’re doing it with family or even just the kids, there is an additional fun factor bonus!
As for the virtual success stories, so many. We have kids in our youth programs who started boxing during Covid – virtual only and when they came back in person, you’d never know. I heard a weight loss success story from our sister club, Beaver Boxing Club in Ottawa – a client of theirs remained consistent and lost 100lbs during Covid. I coached two teen clients during both previous lockdowns and still do – one has a home gym and the other does not and both their skill levels has improved. My pride in them makes what we do as coaches so much more special. I watched them grow as athletes and boxers and most of all, their confidence in themselves skyrocketed. These young ladies inspire me to keep going.
If you were pro virtual prior to reading this, great and keep going. I wish you all the gains in your journey. If not, then I hope I’ve sparked something in you to give it try at the very least before writing it off. Your gym and your trainer will be there to help you and guide you and as mentioned, there are endless options out there. If all else fails, walk daily, or take multiple walks during the day like many parents (myself included) are doing.
My word(s) of the day – don’t knock it until you try it. Your gyms and trainers are here you for over the next few weeks and beyond.
#coach #covid #inspire #lockdown #virtualtraining #virtualworkouts #writer athlete blogger boxing don't quit gyms keep going mental health movement on demand online restaurants support support small business training virtual training yoga
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