January 2022: Crushing it? Or are you distracted by things you can’t control? Either way, just keep showing up!

How are we all doing mid-January 2022? Hanging in there or hanging on by a thread? I’ve felt all the feels to date and if you’re in Ontario right now I hope that the current lockdown is not bringing you down. I’ve been manifesting positive vibes that said 21-day restriction for gyms/restaurants is just that and no more. And so much for return to school this week huh? I mean, a snow storm can’t be blamed on anyone and, let the kids have a fun snow day while we’re at it. The pandemic has already taken so much fun away from them!
These early weeks into the year (and for me into my half century) had me thinking a lot about goals….but first, yes I said half century. I’ve noticed a few new subscribers to my blog here (thank you). I’ve been fifty for almost three weeks now and your girl is embracing it. For months leading up to the big day I became more excited. Not so much about the number but for how far I have come and most importantly, preaching to anyone feeling “old” that to be able to age is a privilege. Legit! Don’t think because you turn a certain number that you must succumb to a societal standard you THINK is expected of you. Nah sis, do you! Remember, the perception people have of you doesn’t matter. Your perception of you is the only one that matters.
Back to my thoughts on goals. Not just goals for 2022 but extending beyond that. I’ve worked hard in my career and always will, but it’s only the last few years that I started to celebrate my wins. I want to do more of that. Sometimes it still seems arrogant or frivolous in ways but deep down I know it’s not, and it feels good to do it. Whether with family, friends or even by myself, celebrating my wins is necessary. Celebrating them gets me excited about not just doing it again, but also for what’s next. I highly recommend it.
I was unable to celebrate the way I wanted on December 29th, 2021, because of lockdown restrictions BUT was reminded that am fifty for a full 365 days and that got me thinking. I could celebrate for an entire year and why not beyond that? I mean, while I’m putting my best foot forward in my favourite sneakers day to day, and getting all those wins, there will always be something to cheers to!
A goal achieved is fuel to keep going and to keep dreaming. After all, that goal was once just a dream am I right?
Gyms closed equals little to no clients or classes for me. Not everyone wants to partake in virtual sessions and that’s cool. I’ve been sick too so there’s that. The empty blocks in my schedule gave me time to focus on other areas in my business that needed me. Sometimes things happen for a reason and being an entrepreneur, holiday season was great, and we celebrated that! So now what? Gotta keep that momentum going and it takes consistent work and consistently showing up for your business and your clients.
My Kingsway Boxing Club family and space is my second home. I train hard and it’s also through coaching that I learn so much about myself. I have a few business groups I join either via social or weekly meetings for my Etsy, Amazon and Monat businesses and they are all important to me. Sharing tips, tricks, lessons but even a positive affirmation, a cool reel or sharing an interesting podcast can help inspire someone else. I’m reminded daily that we all have something to share and something valuable to bring to the table. Your small suggestion or thought might be a big deal to someone else so, you never know who you’re inspiring!
I decided to start writing more and commenced late last year rather than try to start on January 1st. It’s another thing I do that makes me feel good and that is really all that matters. Even if nobody understands my writing or my “why”. Even even if nobody likes it! My creativity is an extension of me and the outlet is for me first and foremost. I recommend writing to everyone, regardless of whether you decide to share it on a blog, a book or with anyone for that matter. I never kept a diary growing up. I attempted to start here and there, but it didn’t appeal to me really. Today I do have a journal that I consistently put entries in and it’s more about setting intentions, making affirmations and goal setting rather than your “dear diary” entries. Each to her own but putting words onto paper and telling a story is something I’ve always enjoyed.
Speaking of stories, telling my brand story is something I want to do more of this in 2022. Strong Is My Beautiful was born out of negativity thrown at me – from a friend – and he may have been half kidding, but he proceeded to go on about a pic I posted on social. One I thought I looked beautiful in btw. I always say that day must have been a good day or a positive time in my life because but while I was taken aback for about a minute, I very quickly realized that I could either let the person put me down OR I could make it something great. So far so good. Started with an inconsistent blog but since November 2017 it’s grown into a catchy phrase loved by many and my Amazon and Etsy stores have grown more in the last year than I could have ever imagined. I want to share this story more and with as many of you who will listen in hopes of inspiring others who are feeling put down or misunderstood.

The pic that started it all!
On this journey I’ve learnt and gained just as much as I’ve put out to the world. Showing up consistently is key and showing up knowing that I’m not for everyone takes balls. Knowing that not everyone will like or support my journey and still showing up is exactly why I keep doing it. I believe in what I’m selling and before I can go out and sell it, I need to buy it myself.
I’ll leave you with words from the great Ru Paul Charles:
“If you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you going to love anyone else?”
It all starts with you. What’s going on inside will reflect on the outside so make sure you take care of you and if celebrating your wins is a start to help you feel good on the inside, do that!
#beyoualways #consistency #goals #inspire #inspo #motivation #selflove #strongismybeautiful #writer actions blogger do you do your best good vibes grateful keep going manifest plans
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