Be you, always!


April 25, 2022 Uncategorized 0


You’ve been there.  About to do something big and think: “It’s finally happening”?  Those are the moments that you think back to the journey and smile.  Whatever it is, you’ve prepared, invested time, energy and even money.  Most of all, you’ve sacrificed.  It’s game time!

There are no parameters as to what that moment must be or what it should look like.  It’s yours.  Your goal, your dream, your aspiration and your passion.  You know what you put in, so the execution or big reveal is the gravy.

I’ll repeat: “we have all been there”!

I have a few of these profound moments and while some stand out more than others, they were turning points and for very different reasons.  Not to mention, my level of maturity mentally and emotionally varied vastly with each scenario but that said, they all share the commonality that they affected me deeply at each given stage of my life.  Each still holds true meaning to what I’ve achieved – or overcome depending on the situation.

The goals I set, and the milestones I envisioned were sometimes so “pie in the sky” but belief, visualization, passion and consistent hard work make a freaking deadly combination.  They all had a journey leading up to that grandiose moment and not without obstacles and learning curves BUT I stayed the course to the finish line.

Another common factor or rather, the most valuable piece to me is that I learnt and grew immensely.  With each I discovered things about myself that I would never have if not on that journey.  I learnt new ways of doing things and also discovered new things I wanted to do or learn to do.

My wedding was almost 25 years ago.  I was the planner for the most part and really had no idea what I was doing.  All I knew is that I had a vision in my mind as to how I wanted the day to go and worked to make that happen – jumping in with all hands and feet.  My love of lists and checkboxes really came in handy on this road!

Many mistakes but so many gains – and back then in a world with phone calls and in person appointments vs email and Zoom calls!  So, everything took way longer, but it was all I knew back then, right?  When I realized that I needed to stop trying please everyone, I began to enjoy the process.  It was also then that my love and passion for planning and executing events started.  So much so that I decided to go back to Humber College on arrival in Canada a few years after.  I enrolled into a PR, Sponsorships & Special Events Diploma course studying part-time and pushed myself to finish in 2 years vs 3.  I’ve since executed my fair share of both small- and large-scale events for different types of organizations and clients.

All it takes is you.  You need to dare to do it.  You need to believe that you CAN and that you are worthy of everything that comes with it.  No, it will not always be smooth sailing.  Yes, there will be obstacles and not to mention the naysayers, but you don’t stop.  You need to be so engrained and so focused that you reach a place where people are questioning you.  People thinking your dedication and consistency is crazy.  They think you’ve gone mad with the routine, the meal prep, the training sessions and journaling it all only to do it again tomorrow and the next day.  When you reach that place, it’s rare that the outside noise will deter you from getting to the finish line.

Let’s touch on my first fight.  Actually, who am a I kidding!?  Also check out my last fight here pre-Covid.  Every single time I step into the ring I say the words, “here we go, the work is done, time to shine.”  The adrenaline is next level and each time I’m climbing those stairs and entering the ring through those ropes, it’s my dare to do it.  My selflove to trust myself to follow through.  My bravery to believe in myself to show up every day.  My will to sacrifice the night out or get up at crazy hours to make sure I fit in a training session.  Prepping, planning and executing so hard that fight day can be easy or a word I prefer, enjoyable.

Being able to prepare to not get punched in the face is indeed next level and yeah, a crazy journey indeed and even if you’ve only done it once, it’s an experience and a memory that will last a lifetime.

Boxing has taught me so much.  It taught me patience for one – both in and outside the ring and I’ll be the first to say that some days it still feels like a work in progress.  I’m so much better at it though.  It gave me confidence and a better love for my body.  I say “better” because some days are still hard.  The difference is that those days are far and few in between and I know how to manage the emotions that come along with it.

These big moments don’t always have to be an event.  Sometimes a decision can change the course of where you’re going.  I always thought I wanted to climb the corporate ladder and for a long time I did want it.  Times change, you change and the people around you change.  My last two corporate years I realized that didn’t like being around the power-hungry type and didn’t like seeing how power changed people.  Most of all, didn’t like what those situations were doing to me as a person.  To get a little raw for a hot sec, two panic attacks later, adrenal fatigue and the stress causing me to feel it in my body parts that I decided to walk away.  It was a slow build up but the relief I immediately felt is still hard to put into words.  All I know is that I did the right thing.  I did it for my sanity.  For my family.  For my happiness.  I created my own lane and I am still building it every day.

That journey was a messy one, but it gave me a new strength and confidence once I was on the other side of it.  I overcame a period that led me to where I am today.  Therefore, it’s important to remember that every journey is different, but every journey will have its place in your life and benefit you in ways that money cannot buy.

Not everyone is going to come on your journey or cheer you all the way to the finish line.  That’s okay.  I’ve learnt that those are not my people and I’ve also learnt to block out the noise.  That said, I’ve met and continue to meet new, like-minded people who genuinely want to see you succeed.  Yes, despite what the critics say, they’re out there!  You will find your tribe!

Staying focused is one piece but being consistent is what leads to those daily gains.  Sometimes those gains look different from one day to the next being that one day you may run an extra five km’s and another as simple as finally publishing a blog piece you’ve been sitting on for too long 😊.  Each one is a victory and it’s what will keep you going.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get it!