Mom vs coach: Thoughts on my 10-year old’s first sanctioned boxing match.

Watching your child compete in a boxing match for the first time is an experience from the inside out. The good kind. All the feels from start to finish. Nerves, excitement, pride, and inspiration all wrapped up into what feels like the tightest fist. At the end, those proud parental tear ducts start to fill but in the moment, you just suck it back, smile and cheer!
Leading up to Acacia’s first bout last month I thought I’d have to switch or draw a clear line between mom & coach but to my surprise, it wasn’t so.
I’ll explain.
We (parents & coaches) ultimately want what is best for our kids and athletes. We want them to learn, grow, thrive and most of all have fun! She knows me in athlete and coach mode and a lot of it shows up in how I parent. I know this.
I also didn’t think I’d be so full of all the feels. Leading up to it was all training and hard work. Both of us. I was hoping and working hard until the end to get a fight as well, but it didn’t work out. As a firm believer in “everything happens for a reason”, I accepted that, and it really was for a reason. I had to be present for her.
Acacia showed a calmness you’d see in a way more experienced boxer and mature individual. Her nature is very chill and she doesn’t typically show excitement, so no surprise there. She was almost nonchalant though leading up to fight weekend so a part of me started to wonder if she was excited or nervous or if she still wanted to do it!
Day 1 of the tournament we went as spectators to support and cheer for our teammates who were competing. I thought having her observe the process would help her visualize her bout in her own way when it came a few days later. Our head coach also suggested I warmed her up as we would right before the fight. We did that. Skipping, shadow boxing and some pad work for three rounds each and then it came!
I could see her getting into fight mode, literally. It was after being a spectator that all the questions came. Good, insightful questions but also just general competition talk. Asked about fighters ages vs size vs weight classes. Why didn’t girls compete against boys in competition, but we train together during sparring? We scored some of the bouts together which was fun as well.
It also clicked in her mind what “fun box” was and I can’t say she was too happy. Keep reading.
As a mom I was relieved. As a coach I was relieved! It meant she wanted it, she was ready and excited. Still, she remained calm and collected until her first bell rang.
Fast forward to the final bell. I had to suck back the proud mama tears I mentioned. What a performance! I talked to her before about what a big deal it is to step into a boxing ring for anyone and at her age, in front of so many people, so brave! It was incredible to see it live. Both girls showed that they could box and showed an attitude of mutual respect. They listened to their corners and wowed everyone watching. Sportswomanship at its finest!
- I found this piece that is written with another sport in mind (and it is bit of a rant) but insert boxing and it translates. Take a read here but it ends with:
- Sports•woman•ship:Conduct becoming to a woman in sport such as the ability to kick butt with style and grace. Also known as “classy badass”.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman
The big question: Was Acacia happy with her performance?
Hell yeah she was! She did verbalize that she was a bit sad the ref told her to “tone it down” but she followed up immediately that she understood why. My heart right! How is this 10-year-old so mature?
For reference – “fun box” is for boxers ages 12 and under and is for experience. Judges and referees want to see both boxers showcase their talents so when one is a bit more aggressive they try to even out things a bit.
The even bigger questions: Will she do it again?
I don’t know. I know 100% that she’s not interested in another fun box situation. The girl is a competitor! I also don’t think she found the one sport she wants to pursue. Soccer, track and now basketball are other areas of equal interest. That said, she hasn’t spent nearly as much time with any other sport in comparison to boxing (soccer might be a close second) so she’s still exploring.
Either way, she’s going to go places!

Team Kingsway
#boxingneverstops #coach #girlpower #mom #momboxer #strongismybeautiful athlete blogger boxing family girls who box
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