Be you, always!


October 10, 2022 My People 0


Hello to all my Strong Is My Beautiful subscribers and readers and to all the newbies over the last few months, welcome! Thank you for the ongoing support.

I can’t believe I’m looking ahead at the last lap of the year and on the same note I’m looking back at the achievements and lessons I’ve learnt to date.  How about you?

Some of those lofty goals I set for the year may or may not have been met but that said, there definitely was growth and development which came mixed with a few obstacles and peppered with one or two setbacks.  It was busy as it was fun and not without hard work, consistency, and heaps of perseverance.  All that said, it’s by no means an indication of what my 2022 success looks like or will look like by December 31st.

Online was a slow summer for sales.  My products did a little better on the bigger platforms like Etsy and Amazon given they have the existing shopping traffic but Strong Is My Beautiful hurt a little, not going to lie.  Talking to my peers (and researching various online shopping trends), many share the same sentiments. Retail spend steadily increased as people have been out and about, so I get it.  I still worked on promoting all platforms throughout the “dry spell” and it’s very slowly starting to turn with all the holidays coming up, so we keep pushing!

That said, success in my world is not measured by one metric i.e. numbers alone (my tax guy may not feel that way 😊) so I also look at views, visits, growth and engagement across all websites and social media platforms and it’s been fruitful.  I’ll attribute that to consistency and grit!  I also look at other areas I’m earning and learning in, and it’s been a wild ride in some cases and seeing steady strides in others.

My biggest surprise over the last four or five months is my Monat business.  I put a bigger focus (a.k.a. allocated more time) on it over the summer and watching it grow has been satisfying.  The easy part is selling a product that works and mix that with working at it consistently in a fun, meaningful and engaging way is what I believe paid off.  The biggest part for me is that this side hustle is one I don’t do alone.  I do…but I also have a tribe of like-minded women on the same journey so there’s constant motivation, learning and pushing to get to the finish line.  Read more on that here.

Remember, people see you and your efforts.  They don’t always let you know, but they see you.

Let’s talk boxing.  It’s part of me and will always be.  I still aspire and dream to compete for a few more years and unless I travel to US, it’s going to be tough here in Canada.  That’s my reality but hey, maybe there’s a travel sponsor out there for me, who knows 😊.   That said, I’m not resting on my laurels waiting on or dreaming of past fights.  I’m out here working at my craft daily and I’ll tell you, it’s lonely sometimes.  There’s another kind of self-discipline you need to tap into to continuously grind like athletes do and that grind my friends, it includes boxing but also running, roadwork, sprints, strength training, conditioning, rest & recovery and fueling the body properly.  All of that on repeat day in, and day out!

These days I get asked “why” even more than I did in the past decade and a half.  Here’s my answer: “I don’t believe my time in the ring as a competitor is over.  Right down into my core, I do not believe it and so, I stay ready.” 

I believe that your life is controlled by what you focus on, so I choose to focus on where I want to go vs fear or anger or holding grudges.  The “get hit and move on” mentality.  Nope, not always easy but don’t lose sight of your destination and you’ll be ok.

Those moments you put in daily for long term gain, those are the victories worth celebrating and it shouldn’t have an expiry date.  It’s a constant evolution.  As human beings we don’t, or we forget to celebrate those little wins and remember, celebrating doesn’t have to always mean raising a glass.  It can be as simple as a high five with a teammate or a social post showing your personal best.  Like I said, success is not measured by numbers alone.  Sometimes we have to feel it and do what you like with that feeling.

Let’s get back to YOU!  After reading up to this point I’m sure you’re thinking back to what you have wanted to achieve this year.  If not, take a second.

  • Are you on track?
  • Did you miss hitting a goal or milestone?
  • Did you have to course correct along the way?
  • What types of obstacles and unknowns did you face?
  • Are you being hard on yourself if the answers to the above are not what you expected?

I want to tell you, don’t beat yourself up about it.  About anything!  In the same breath I’ll say, keep going!  Look at everything as an opportunity and while on the path, you can always course correct.  Reset, regroup and then – dig deep and go get it.

Listen, I had to learn what just said.  There is nothing wrong with thinking big and aiming high.  In fact, the bigger the dream the more excited I become.  Thinking it and visualizing it is one piece but the journey to my destination is the good part.  My good part.  On that road is where I thrive and it’s where I become excited but, it’s not always a straight path.  With long roads come twists and turns and sometime dead stops that force you to take a break or wait for a green light to go again.  I experienced many moments like this in my sponsorship & event days and even more during the last two and half years building my own brand and business.  Patience and resilience at its finest.

When I started writing this piece, I wanted to talk specifically about the goals we set back in January and hitting them between now and December 31st but, it seems to have morphed into another topic.  Just like that road or journey to our goals, this piece took a few turns, and it has become more about patience and resilience.  It’s also a reminder that as long as you’re still passionate about what you’re striving for, and feel that passion burning inside, keep going.

Fam, push through October to December as best and realistically as you can.  Dreams become a reality if you work at it and with consistency and all the small wins along the way, you’ll reach your destination!