In my line of business(es) it’s usually around the last month of the year and those last few days, like now, that you hear people talk about their new year resolutions. A new a diet/wellness journey, joining a gym, writing a book, starting a business or training for a marathon – the table talk is currently all the rage. Whether or not they take the first step or see the goal/resolution through is another topic but, making the plan and thinking about it is a first step in my opinion.
On the flip side, I hear and have already heard this phrase more times than I can count!
“I want to but…”
My answer is always “but what”? There will always be a “but” a.k.a. an excuse but folks, think about the time wasted making those excuses. You could have started on your path, made mistakes, fallen down but you learn, get up and try again. All of that is acceptable. In fact, all of that is inevitable! I don’t usually (because I’m not particularly a fan) but let me react to some of the excuses for a sec!
- Scared that others are already doing your business or selling your product? They’re not you so put your flavour on it!
- You don’t have time to run, meal prep, learn to use social media etc? If it was a party, you’d make the time.
- It’s too cold out? SMH – we live in Canada, layer up!
Now, I never really got or understood resolutions. I had and will always have goals yes, but my mindset was always “why wait for tomorrow for what you can achieve today.” A quote I heard somewhere as a teen, and it stuck. I never waited till Monday, new month, or the next year to go on a weight loss journey, train for a race, quit smoking or give up coffee. Fun fact, all these things I mentioned were things I decided I needed to do at various stages of my life and, I believed I could and so I did.
- My fitness/boxing journey started with me wanting to lose 40lbs 11 years ago.
- I’ve run countless 5 and 10km’s and 2 half marathons
- Sixteen years nicotine free
- August 1st, 2021, was the morning I decided no more coffee and my gut loves me again (I’ve experimented once or twice since just to see how my gut would react and I paid for it!)
I will add a PSA. At some point I also probably said “I could never…” about all of the above BUT it’s that moment when I said, “I’ve got this” and I believed in me, that’s when the magic started to happen.
So back to you.
Mind over matter might sound cliché is but it’s one of those that you can exercise and apply to anything you want to do. Yes, it is that simple. All you need to do is bet on yourself, block out the noise and go do you. It’s not always easy, there will be naysayers, haters and people being all negative in your ear while being all up in your business! Fam, YOU NEVER ASKED THEM and frankly, you don’t need that type of negativity especially when you’re starting out. Believe me when I say this, they’ll be back once you succeed.
One of the first girls I started boxing with, Mel, always tells this story about me (and I love it) to whoever is around when we meet up. I was just starting out and would always say “I could never!” when I was asked if I’d ever fight, and they asked me that a lot lol. Well, the rest is history!
#beyoualways #consistency #discipline #strongismybeautiful #writer blogger do you mind over matter no excuses you got this
2 Responses
[…] less sleep so more stress and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sure, sometimes it’s a mind over matter situation but you’ll know the […]
[…] wrote a piece a few days ago titled mind over matter. I put it into practice yesterday and like that quote I cannot take credit for, “where focus […]
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