Aging is a privilege.
At some point in our lives we all become hung up on the number and I’m not saying you’re not allowed to feel all the feels but maybe look at it from a different perspective. It is just number and without getting morbid the reality is that many don’t get to age.
I had my morning workout and pushed hard. For that I’m grateful. I ran, boxed, ran again, and cooled down. I was amazed as I always am at what my body is capable of. How I’m able to push and when I think I’m done I an dig a little deeper and find another round or kilometer or rep. I celebrate that every day!
The last year has been the year of the grind! It included some setbacks and obstacles, few disappointments, and some sprinkles of wins to top off all the hard work. Looking back I want to share five statements that really made it a kick-ass 365 days and they are one’s that can resonate with everybody. So, other than aging being a privilege, here goes:
Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World
- A powerful and true quote by Harv Eker, author of the New York Times bestseller, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.” I read this book almost 4 years back now and love the philosophy of “…your thoughts lead to your feelings which lead to your actions, and which lead to results. Think about it. Positive thoughts vs negative thoughts. Whether they are about you, your business or other people, what you think is what you become so be aware of what and who you give headspace to.
Challenges Are Growth Opportunities
- Without a challenge or challenges the world would be a boring place. It might be a perfect black & white place, but it would certainly be boring. Challenges show us the grey areas that could be a potential gap that you or your business can fill. It allows for colourful debates and conversations which will either bring out the best or worse in people. They allow us to realize what’s important vs what we can let go of. This year I’ve learnt to say no and not feel guilty about it or feel like I need to fix it and I’ve become firmer and more deliberate about the boundaries I’ve set. How about you?
Embrace Your Evolution
- My favourite topic! When you evolve you grow and with that you change, and that change will either be welcomed or wasted on your circles. Speaking of circles, mine have gotten smaller and smaller as each year passes and I strongly believe that the ones who are left are the real ones. My inner peace and happiness is my choice and doesn’t just “happen.” Embrace all that is you and don’t be afraid to evolve into a better you, for YOU!
Celebrate ALL Your Wins
- Single. Time. It can be as simple as a high five to popping a bottle of bubbly. Share with everyone or no-one. It’s your win and your news to share. Some wins are just for you. When I’ve been working on something and it translates in the ring, that’s a me win. It gives me the warm and fuzzies inside and that’s enough. You’ll know which ones are worth sharing but enjoy them any way you can.
- To tie back to our inner world creating our outer world. If you can feel it, see it, and believe it you CAN achieve it.
The last 365 days I really had to step out of my comfort zone when it came to my businesses given that my goal (specifically for Strong Is My Beautiful™) was building brand awareness. It paid off indeed but not without feeling my brand, seeing the growth, believing the mantra, and actioning the hell out of it!
I wish you all well in your next 365! Go get it!
Stay strong and stay beautiful!
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