She Believed She Could And So She Did: International All Female Boxing Tournament

“She can box!”
It’s all I ever wanted to showcase, to prove or display. It’s true. Showing that I, a grown woman in my late-thirties when I started and now 51 – can box. Not a brawl or a scrap but a clean, technical boxing match.
I checked that box 14 times with this last one being a beautiful dance with a like-minded opponent. Take a watch here at 3:50:30 and keep in mind that in the ring, minus the referee, we had 101 years combined! You read that right and we were both so proud of the amazing show of clean boxing we left in the ring.
Listen, I can bang, and I can brawl, and this tournament made me realize that it’s time to bring that push into the ring as well. This statement may have to be a part 2 to this piece but I wanted to share my incredible journey to the West with you all.
The Tournament: West Coast Wonder Women+ (WCWW+)
WCWW+ is an all-female international boxing card and I finally made it out to their 4th year from May19-21, 2023. Female boxing cards are rare and this one is currently 1 of 5 worldwide and even though only year 4, this event is highly regarded and respected in the amateur female boxing world. Ellen, the fearless leader, is on a mission to change the way society historically defined what and who boxers should be, and this year saw 100+ boxers over a 3-day period ranging from ages 7 to 54 years old and we came in all shapes and sizes.
The space Ellen created is safe, welcoming, and accepting of all. The mission is to give girls and women the opportunity and to prove that you CAN think and act outside of the square and remain respectful to the sport.

With Ellen in the ring
…but it was more than just a boxing tournament…
Three days of good boxing is every boxing junky’s ideal weekend and this one delivered. You could see and feel the hard work, dedication, and passion while you watched each bout. THE most impressive thing I witnessed and experienced was the sports-women-ship. The mutual love of the sport was evident and on top of that it was the respect shown by all boxers to their opponents and other boxers. It was a true display of women empowering women regardless of the outcome.
Sure, there were tears by some. Maybe they didn’t get the W, but some cried out of sheer elation and pride in themselves for stepping into the ring and doing something so fucking amazing!
I’ll be the first to say that it’s great to win. There is no other feeling. Taking an L again after a performance I’m proud of and feel that I did all I came to do, well, I clapped for my damn self. Each time I step into that ring I come out a better boxer, no matter the outcome!
My 2023 Journey
Getting myself there this year was my first win. Even before I stepped onto the plane, let alone the ring, I felt accomplished. When I registered, I didn’t have all the dollars, but I did have a dream that motivated me to get there. I always say, “if it was a party, you would make a way!” And I did. People stepped up in all kinds of ways for me and I’ll be forever grateful. The support from my last post is what kicked it off and I learnt through this hustle that asking for help shows strength – and that’s a beautiful thing!
Two weeks out from the event I was still battling an on/off calf sprain and the reality of going without my team surfaced so got all up in my head for a few days.
How did I work through it, through training and fundraising?
I wrote down every feeling but don’t get it twisted, the feelings were not sad ones. There was accomplishment, pride, gratitude, and most of all the feeling of being ready. I took all that positivity and the confidence they had in me, with me and for me. I was being trusted enough to represent Kingsway Boxing Club and capable enough of taking my training and going to for it. Physically alone but mentally everyone was there.
That did leave me without a corner for the tournament and while I knew someone there would step up, it was important for me to have someone I knew so I reached out to a gym in my network and – funny story – we came full circle. Coach Helene from Girls Just Wanna Box was going to the tournament as a coach for Cheryl Torrence and Aranka Golphy as well as an event sponsor. She also happened to be my 2nd half marathon running coach and with her knowledge it was a better experience than the first one I ran. I reached out and just like that, I had a coach.

Aranka, Myself & Cheryl (Left to right)
I was so grateful to have them to travel with, cheer me on (and me them) and of course having Helene in my corner for my bout was priceless. Thank you to my WCWW+ travel team! Cheryl won her bout which was her first and Aranka fought hard and beautifully twice taking her to 10 bouts!

Helene and I after my bout. All smiles.
Travel day came and then it started feeling surreal. I couldn’t stop smiling both on the inside and the outside. In my head I kept saying, “I’m doing this, it’s actually happening”.
I went down an emotional memory lane thinking about the girl who tried all the sports but was told she wasn’t good for any of them. The girl from the Cape Flats who wanted to try so many things, but the family could not afford it. The girl whose 8th grade teacher called her “vetsakkie” (fatso) when she wanted to try out for field hockey. The same girl who always tried and tried again and knew deep down that she could, period! THAT girl was traveling to an international tournament and more importantly an all-female international boxing tournament. A sport I picked up by chance so in that moment I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with strength, pride, and gratitude.
Registration, weigh-ins, and breakfast flew by although it was over a few hours. Checking in and finally meeting Ellen was amazing. We’d been talking through Messenger every year since the event started and there we were, hugging it out.
Stepped on the scale and I could eat! Side note – I found out later that I didn’t need to lose any weight for the fight – so there’s that! Boxing life for you! Then, the social butterfly in me engaged in a little networking with the other boxers and coaches. AND a surprise fangirl moment – Canadian boxer Kim Clavel was in attendance and she was just so dope! She wished me luck and said, “I’ll be cheering for you”!
I fought on the first night. I shared the game plan with coach Helene, and we agreed to adjust after the first round if we needed to. I got in my zone slowly as I had time. Stretched, proper warm up, shadow boxing and some paddles with coach. I was up.

Tina (my opponent on left) & I
If you didn’t watch from the link earlier, it’s here at 3:50:30
It was a great bout. The rounds were clean with great exchanges. My defense matched the offense, so no regrets. Also, no brawl, no scrap, just boxing. The commentators, the live crowd and the friends and family catching the livestream who of course blew up my phone after 😊with their own thoughts and comments made me finally exhale and repeat to myself: “Yes, I can box!”.
We came so close to having the rematch the next day, but it didn’t happen. It would have been a nice bonus bout for sure but, there’s always next year!
Putting this experience into words was quite a challenge and I hope I’ve done it justice through my story telling. Going through three days of something that is bigger than myself and being part of something that will pave the way for many more to come is profound.
We always get asked or we ask: “What is your why?” and my answers have always been something about others. You know, to list a couple:
- I want to empower and inspire others.
- I want to prove to people that age means nothing.
There is nothing wrong with the above but as humans, especially women, we find it hard to praise ourselves for fear of coming across selfish or arrogant but here goes:
“I can box and do it like a boss!”
I proved to myself that I can, and I proceeded to do it 14 times over.
So, a little long overdue but I think it’s time that my why is for me first and through that I can still achieve my goal of inspiring others to find their why. Agree?
My WCWW+ experience was a goal achieved but the lessons and growth as an athlete, coach and a human are things I’ll carry with me and hopefully pass along to others.
I hope to see everyone next year!

Till next time Sooke, BC!
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#beyoualways #boxingneverstops #coach #consistency #fighter #girlpower #inspire #mom #momboxer #strongismybeautiful #tournaments #writer athlete blogger boxer tournament
One Response
[…] fast forward to 2023 – read about my last fight here. A decade of the life of an athlete – and now turned coach. As this milestone approached, I […]
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