Hello! August ended on a high note for me. One that’s worth sharing. The news that has me so excited is that I’ve been accepted to represent KNIX as a brand ambassador. I applied a few times over the years, and I was recently informed that I was accepted.
Why am I so excited?

For reference, KNIX started with their now famous leakproof underwear but have since added regular underwear, bras, swimwear, activewear and various other accessory items. They believe (and I quote) that “it’s time that all of us lived unapologetically free. Free from judgement. Free from self-doubt. Free to be yourself!” This is the reason why all their products are designed to make us feel more comfortable in our own skin. AND DO THEY EVER!
I have been purchasing/wearing their line for at least two years give or take and every item purchased was a hit. I started out with the leakproof undies of course and then added other everyday items as well. Last year I purchased my first bikini for a vacation and believe it or not, I’d never felt so confident in a bathing suit. Per the photo here, it fit just right – and white is bold am I right!?
Now, the confidence I experienced was likely a combination of many factors I’m sure – I was on vacation, celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary, in the sunshine, feeling really good on the inside and of course, my new perfect fit bathing suit making me feel good on the outside 😊. What more could a girl ask for! PS – this pic and suit is from December 2022 and I don’t see these items on the site.
I have wanted to represent this brand in some way for so long. I fell in love with them when I started seeing that their ads included women who look like me and also look like women I know, see and work with daily. Every shape, size and skin tone are represented in their ad campaigns as well as amongst the other ambassadors.
Those are my top reasons why! To elaborate further, after a negative experience with another brand I vowed that I would only partner with brands that align with my own purpose and just like the new set I was gifted from Knix, this partnership is a perfect match! Click here to view my latest IG reel and click here to go directly to see my new favourite bra and who knows, add to cart!
Listen, whether you’re a thong gal, bikini, full coverage or boy shorts kinda gal, there’s something for everyone at If you want to save a little extra on your next purchase, my link for 10% off $100 is – SHIREENTHEMACHINE_KNIXLOVE
Remember: Be you, always.
@knix #brandambassadors #ad #befree #beyourself #beyou #beyoualways #strongismybeautiful #beyourownkindofbeautiful
#coach #mom athlete be you be you always be your own kind of beautifuliful blogger brand ambassador brands confidence fit woman knix knix ambassador love the skin you're in self-acceptance self-love shireen the machine strong is my beautiful strong woman
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