A short one to ring in my next 365 days. Wow, what a year it has been. One filled with many successes and many lessons. It didn’t come without a few heartaches and tears but all of that said, I’ve grown beyond measure both inside and out. The gratitude is priceless. I feel strong and most definitely beautiful.
I loved the good parts this year offered. The good memories and moments of joy and success but I also value and appreciate the tough ones – especially ones that tested me while I was trying to remain a good human being. Those are the moments that make me feel good even when the moments did not benefit me.
Something great has to be said for when we can truly turn and walk away from a situation that doesn’t deserve our energy and we realize that walking aways is better than being right. It’s also a tough pill to swallow when you have to accept an apology from people close to you who didn’t even say they were sorry. We learn and we grow.
These are all inner warrior traits that come with maturity in my opinion and it’s a testament that proves people can change. For example, my MO has always been to take things head on but learning to step back or press pause allows us – or it allows me – to assess whether it’s worth my precious time and energy. If I can answer yes to “can I live with it” then, move on. Make sense?
As I vibe into another year, here are 12 things I’ve either learnt this past year or will continue to put into practice, and I hope it can help you as well.
Believe in yourself – even when it feels like nobody else does.
- You only need to be good enough for one person and that is yourself. In the iconic words of RuPaul: “if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell can you love anyone else?”
Do it for you first.
- Fitness, weight loss, healthy lifestyle or new job – whatever it is – do it for you first. If you’re trying to people please, it won’t be fun and when it’s not fun, it isn’t worth it.
Self-love is the highest form of self-care.
- Love yourself and fill your cup first. If you’re not at 100%, how can you give your best in other areas and to others in your life?
Keep taking up space!
- Keep shining and keep going. Keep standing up for what you believe in. Speak up and speak out and most of all, keep showing up for yourself!
You’re never too old.
- This goes for anything. I had my first sanctioned fight at age 41. I turned my blog into a business at 48. If celebrities resonate with you more – check out this list of folks who made it later…but they still made it! Click here to see who joined Samuel L. Jackson and Tiffany Haddish in becoming A-listers!
Family first – blood or other.
- To me family is anyone who shows up for you. They show up whenever you ask them to, but they also show up when they don’t need to or when you least expect it. Family doesn’t have to be blood either, but I think we all know this.
Asking for help is a flex.
- Strength comes in all forms and asking for help is a humble act. It takes a lot of strength for many of us and us alphas love things done in a certain way (a.k.a. our way) but, surrendering and accepting help from another and letting them do so in their own way is a beautiful thing. Let it happen!
Follow your gut. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
- My biggest lesson this year cost me a lot. A victim of a scam I was and although I’m still embarrassed by it, it happened and I’m still picking up the pieces. My gut told me to ask the questions, but they ticked all the boxes and then some. It was TOO good to be true and I’ll never dismiss that feeling in my gut again. EVER!
Take breaks and do so regularly.
- My last blog post is here. Take read and please enjoy.
Movement is medicine – physical and mental.
- I’ve learnt that mental health feeds the physical. Not sure if you feel more as you age or mature but it’s definitely part of your story. Make sure you prioritize your mental health and if you’re not sure how here are some thought starters:
- Set boundaries!
- Spend time in nature.
- Remove toxic people from your life.
- Start therapy.
Keep going, you never know who you’re inspiring.
- I always get asked about my “WHY”. It’s for me, for my family but if I can touch or help even one extra person along the way with my experiences and what I have to offer, it’s worth it.
Walking is underrated.
- Last but definitely not least. I train hard and sometimes twice a day but there’s something about just walking. I put my headphones in with a podcast some days and music on others but it’s THE most calming for the body and mind. Thirty minutes a day minimum is enough, but an hour or more is gravy.
My birthday wish is to continue this journey of inspiration and motivation. Strong Is My Beautiful™ was a statement and a mantra before it was anything else and I want to spread the word to the world.
Peace, love and happiness friends. Most of all, thank you for your ongoing support.
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