HOME IS THE PEOPLE: Cape Town is beautiful but my people were the highlight.

My family and I have just returned from a month-long visit to Cape Town. It was a long, stressful haul back. Missed our flight (first time for everything), the new flight was delayed and once at the airport, delayed some more. Furthermore, we were the people running to make our connecting flight because of the delays – not the first time for that part 😊. A week later life picked up where we left off BUT the break did us all good!
It’s been four years since we visited – the longest time between visits. With the pandemic in between those years, many life events took place for us all so I’m deeply grateful for the trip. I started this post more as “come see Cape Town with me” via what we did and saw but the trip was so much more than that.
I did not know or realize how much I needed this break. It was about connections, the people around us and the experiences with everyone. We saw new places and revisited some favourites, but nothing compared to the get togethers, sitting and listening to how far people have come, what they’ve been through, big life changes and reminiscing about some friends we’ve lost during the pandemic.
One story in particular is about someone who had to be put in a coma because COVID hit her so bad. She shared her story yes, but also the journey from that hospital bed – surviving a near death experience. She spoke of how hard it was not to have visitors let alone see her husband and daughters. How she lay in that bed day in and day out, not being able to speak as the emergency incision to her trachea destroyed her vocal cords. How her husband, in true hustle character got two of her daughters and himself to see her and even though brief, holding their hands gave her strength. She never stopped fighting from that hospital bed and pushed through despite it. I’m in awe of how she is LIVING!
Another survived a severe stroke a couple of years ago. Late 40’s and a shock to all. While we chatted, I could feel their new lease on life through the words as they spoke of their experience. I felt the motivation they now bring to their family and work environment. Uplifting everyone around them and believe me, they were a light before but today they shine brighter than ever. In fact, they have so much of that light that it’s hard for it not to be contagious!
Last but certainly not least, the story of someone who is now almost 6 years sober. The one whose choice for sobriety introduced them to a new version of themselves. They made the choice for themselves but also for their family. I looked around during a visit with the family and the pride I feel is immense and very deep. I know how hard they’ve had it and that it took strength to decide that a change was needed. Surrounded by family and still dealing with life’s challenges but with a much calmer and positive mindset. Most of all, this was one who always pleased everyone but is now being kinder to themselves first and in doing so, has become the person they needed someone else to be for them throughout the years.
Why am I sharing this?
All three individuals above have followed my journey, praised me and said I’ve inspired them so much and for that I am grateful. Truth is, they are my heroes. Stories like these not only inspire me but the strength that emulates from the people telling them is beautiful. It’s their stories that make you realize the true meaning of life and how precious it is.
I realize that these heroes and their stories are around us daily. I didn’t have to travel to another continent to hear them but that was part of my own journey. The three stories I mentioned are about people close to me and each in a different way, so I think it made it more real or held some extra weight? Hearing them and feeling their experiences as they told it reminded me of the importance of LIVING. Reminded me how important it is to practice gratitude and do so consistently. It reminded me that it’s never too late to change or start something new.
So, what are/were my top lessons from them?
- We’re stronger than we think.
- Shine so bright until people around have no choice but to shine as well.
- Tell your amazing story/stories. You never know who needs to hear it or who will be inspired by it.
I am so grateful to have spent this time mostly with people loved ones versus just doing touristy stuff. My daughter was in awe of how many cousins she has – from both sides of our family and at times she was quite overwhelmed but in the good sense as she said. She made some amazing connections with them and formed some genuine friendships too. We all grew, bonded and most importantly, we had a blast.
Here are a few highlights that included both family and friends:
Christmas Day
This was the first Christmas we spent in Cape Town in almost 24 years, and it did not disappoint. The morning started with attending the same church we were married in 26 years ago and we were welcomed like it was yesterday. We visited my late-in-laws’ gravesites and then went back home to feast with friends and family. Boy, did we feast. My sister-in-law said it best: “The food was blessed. Everyone ate, had seconds and we had leftovers.”
Family Beach Day at Strand Beach
It’s become a vacation tradition to organize a family beach day. All the cousins, their kids and a few close friends. We spent the day at Strand beach swimming, tanning, eating, talking, playing soccer and volleyball. It was an epic turnout. The pic says it all.

New Years Eve
Another vacation tradition a NYE braai (BBQ) and our cousin hosted. My daughter and her cousins rang in the new year with a midnight jump into the pool after the countdown. I don’t know when last I/we stayed up until 4am but we did that! Endless laughs, good music and dancing.
Family Photo Shoot
This photo shoot has been a long time in the making. Four whole years to be exact! Ashley, Acacia and I, plus Ashley’s sis, her hubby and two sons. I went the cheesy (but cute) route and made matching shirts, requested denim bottoms and favourite sneakers. The photographer who took us to this gorgeous setting and wow, we were not disappointed!

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Algernon, Cody, Shireen, Acacia, Trudy, Ashley, Mikhail
I hope this piece is as inspiring to anyone reading as the experience was to me. Find your own strength in it or share it with someone you feel might need or benefit from it. That is goal of this blog and the Strong Is My Beautiful™ slogan – to inspire and help as many as by sharing my own experiences as well as those from other strong and inspirational individuals. It’s a beautiful thing.

#vaction #reflection #strength #beauty #survivors #family #fun #beachdays #holidays #photos #photooftheday #blogger #writer #sunshine #strongismybeautiful #beyourownkindofbeautiful #beyoualways
#connections #writer blogger cape town capetown family festive season holiday my people new post strength is beauty strong is my beautiful strongwomen trip vacation
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