Happy International Women’s Day 2024: #inspireinclusion

“Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality and collectively we can all #inspireinclusion. International women’s day belongs to everyone!” – directly from internationalwomensday.com and this year’s theme is to inspire inclusion which, to me, is profound and powerful.
March is Women’s History Month which is celebrated in the US, UK, and AUS to coincide with International Women’s Day on March 8th and here in Canada it’s celebrated in October to coincide with persons day on October 18th. You can read about the history of the person’s case here but in short, back in 1927, five women, known as the Famous Five launched a legal challenge that would mark a turning point for equality rights in Canada.
Inspire Inclusion
It is important to celebrate women and our achievements today, tomorrow and beyond. We should continue to celebrate ourselves and the amazing women in our lives. Those who paved the way before us and the many who are yet to come. I want to create and be part of safe and inclusive spaces for us all and do so all year round. That is what #inspireinclusion means to me.
I’ve posted for #IWD each year for a few years and looking back on last year’s post I’m really in awe of the growth and the learnings a whole year can make. Striving to always uplift and inspire others is something I wove into my day to day and at the same time voicing when others have inspired me with their actions and/or stories.
To inspire inclusion is a mindset we all should adopt. It’s basic human kindness in my opinion and, it costs zero dollars. Fostering an environment of inclusivity should be included in every business manifesto AND lived through it’s people – that is where it will shine.
Let’s break it down my style.
When we’re inspired, we feel good. Whether it’s inspiration from an achieved milestone, a new goal or from someone else, we feel good. I’ll add warm and fuzzy on the inside as well. Sometimes even giddy. With that, we have the urge and need to spread it. Not necessarily through words all the time but through our actions, wanting to do more after that big win or wanting to show someone else that they can too. You know, those kinda vibes.
Now, feeling included is an even bigger emotion, for me at least. Many of us have been at tables, in jobs and in situations where we didn’t feel heard, seen, respected or all of the above. Think of how that made you feel. Pretty lousy, am I right? Sometimes we voice it and other times we stay silent for fear of being judged or worse. Most times we just don’t know how to address certain issues and mostly because there isn’t a support system in place, but I cannot say this louder – nobody should be put in that position in the first place – and if your people find themselves there then you/we as leaders should do all we can to change the narrative!
This just doesn’t happen in the workplace. Our social media era is great when it’s great, but it can be a vicious and mean vessel as well. I’d be naïve to think that everyone behind their keyboards are of the same mindset but we can’t control them. We can control us and how we respond, and we can only continue to do the right thing and be kind humans.
Quick Story
Of course I had one 😊. Yesterday my good friend posted a story about some negativity she received on a boxing post of hers. Of course, I ran to the comments and wow! A couple of guys really outdid themselves there and my first instinct was to clap back and invite them into the ring with me (yeah really) but after sitting with it I responded that it was interesting that the shade was from men and only men. One of them went as far as to say, “women’s boxing is not real” – um pardon me?
I’m using this example because yes, we’re in a male dominated sport but if you can’t create positive and welcoming environments for your female athletes both in and outside the gym, then what are you even doing? In hindsight, the comments probably came from guys who have never set foot in a ring but that’s neither here nor there. I will add a thank you to all the men who DO support women both in and out of the ring, gym or boardroom.
Feeling welcomed, respected and seen is important. As an athlete, it’s especially important as it help create a positive mindset which will enable you to do what you need to do. You need to trust those around you and vice versa. It’s part of the toolbox.
As a coach and trainer, I work with people of different genders, gender preferences and levels of fitness. Creating an inclusive environment where everyone can feel their best self and give their best is my goal. Whether you’re a veteran in my classes and sessions or a newbie trying it out for the first time, if you leave smiling and sweating, I’ve done my job.
Happy International Women’s Day to anyone reading and let’s continue to #inspireinclusion!
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