Category: My People

Be you, always!

Adoption Day a.k.a. Gotchaday – Thoughts & feelings on family & parenting 8 years later.

  November 7th, 2013 is the day we became a forever family and here’s a piece I posted as a first blog entry a few years ago.  Take a read if you like and please enjoy. A big day for us in so many ways.  Our family grew as we brought home an 18-month-old baby…
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November 7, 2021 0


Oh hey! This is an ongoing blog series sharing my favourite tools, tips and truths related to health, fitness and wellness.  Just my perspective and my experiences a woman, mom, an athlete, boxing coach, personal trainer and entrepreneur – not always all at once and not always in that order!  My goal is to help,…
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October 5, 2021 0

Do what you must. Do it with a purpose and on purpose!

  “Do what you must” or as we used to say growing up in Cape Town: “DALA” what you must”.  This, is where I’m at. Dala (dah-lah):  as per Urban Dictionary is a Zulu word which means to cause, do or create.  It’s a tricky one because it can have more than one meaning. It could mean ‘fight’, ‘to…
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January 21, 2021 0

Holiday workouts: Slow down, ramp up, stay the course?

  What’s your workout vibe for the holiday season?  Slow down and get some extra rest?  Ramp it up because you got some time off work?  Cruise control? Whatever it is – DO YOU!! If you’ve been following me for a while, you will know that it doesn’t matter where I am over the holidays,…
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December 23, 2020 0

‘Tis the season!

  What is the plan for this holiday season folks? For us, it will be like the rest of 2020 and just like everyone else, we won’t be doing anything like holiday seasons of the past.  This year is different from a work perspective too so yes, working for ourselves and still need to do…
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December 17, 2020 0

Marriage: What’s the tea?

It’s our anniversary and don’t worry, this won’t be sappy mushy post.  Rest assured, the love is still as deep as the mushiest out there. So it begs the question:  Is there something to be said for being married this long?  Is there a secret or tea to spill?  December 6, 2020 we’re celebrating 23…
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December 6, 2020 0

December 2020

It’s December 2020 and it’s a big month in our family.  Anniversary, two birthday’s and of course the holiday festivities and the reality this year is that it will be very different but I’ll add, it’s what we make of it right? AND, if you’re in Toronto or Peel region Canada, you’re also in lockdown…
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December 3, 2020 0

“Daddy, why is she only stopping us?” – Acacia Fabing at Canadian Tire, Etobicoke, ON

When my family is racially profiled, I take action. Earlier this year I vowed to no longer be silent and on Saturday November 14th when I got home around 2pm in the afternoon to very confused 8-year-old and pretty pissed off husband, I had to stand by my word. This story needs to be shared,…
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November 30, 2020 0

International Day of the girl child: 10.11.2020

My girl. I celebrate her each day.  I am grateful and honoured to be her mom.  I asked for and prayed for a child and I received her.  Strength beyond measure.  Smarts and swagger that you can’t teach.  Beauty inside and out.  She is a proud girl and she makes us proud each day.  She…
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October 11, 2020 0
Natural and Beautiful

Is it just hair?

Is all the rage and uproar really about hair though…?  Let’s talk about it. I’ve been following an issue, that I would deem a crisis for the Clicks SA group of companies.  Click here for full story but in summary – a Tresemme ad was placed on the company website describing a black woman’s hair…
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September 12, 2020 0