Tag: boxing

Be you, always!

It’s May and first up it’s Mother’s Day!

Who else in the North is crossing their fingers saying “spring is finally here” and hoping it sticks!  Mother nature must have been waiting for May to start because the nice weather seems to be sticking around! This one is short as I know this weekend and coming week is all about Mother’s Day shopping…
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May 3, 2024 0

Mom vs coach: Thoughts on my 10-year old’s first sanctioned boxing match.

Watching your child compete in a boxing match for the first time is an experience from the inside out.  The good kind.  All the feels from start to finish.  Nerves, excitement, pride, and inspiration all wrapped up into what feels like the tightest fist.  At the end, those proud parental tear ducts start to fill…
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August 23, 2022 0


DARE TO DO IT! You’ve been there.  About to do something big and think: “It’s finally happening”?  Those are the moments that you think back to the journey and smile.  Whatever it is, you’ve prepared, invested time, energy and even money.  Most of all, you’ve sacrificed.  It’s game time! There are no parameters as to…
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April 25, 2022 0


  Here we go again.  21 Days of lockdown currently in effect in Ontario. Apparently, the virus spreads in gyms and restaurants so these businesses are the ones suffering and, in my opinion, they are the two things that greatly contribute to positive mental health.  Movement and socializing with friends and family over a meal. …
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January 6, 2022 0

Lessons in Quarantine

  Last week I ran three consecutive km’s.  Twice I may add!  By EOW I aim to be at 5km.  I’m recovering from a knee injury and due to COVID, suffered way too long before I could see a physiotherapist.  Healing has seemed like an eternity at this point! Sharing the lessons I’ve learnt during…
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July 20, 2020 1

Ring Talk Episode 4:  Consistency

We’re back to the gym this week folks!  Ring talk! Athletes, coaches and everyone in-between, COVID19 took something very dear to us all for a what seemed like an eternity!  Yes, we’ve been working, staying active and if you’re like me, maybe you took the opportunity to rest more and include some other disciplines –…
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June 19, 2020 0

When you’re ripe, you rot…

When you’re ripe you rot, when you’re green you grow.  – unknown Unknown (to me) but it’s a good one.  I’ve had bosses, mentors and coaches use it.  I have as well in my own moments of teaching and efforts at inspiring others. What’s this got to do with boxing, or anything in life for…
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May 9, 2020 0

Ring Talk Episode 3: Life Outside

Ring Talk Episode 3:  Life Outside Life outside vs life inside the ring is what is what it is. It’s not so different when you look at it metaphorically and if one thing was clearer than clear right now, boxing (and personally I think sports in general) teaches you so much about yourself as well…
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April 22, 2020 0

Nature vs Nurture

A short one but so noteworthy! “Mummy, I have to tell you something buuuut you may not like it”. That could mean ANYTHING so I joke and say, “should I be sitting down for this or just walk away now while it’s safe”.  We laugh together. Opening statement: “So I got punched in the head…
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November 9, 2019 0

When one door closes…

…well, we all know how that saying goes right?  In my case though, two opened and boy did I step inside! A follow up from my last post – take a read if you have the time.  The 2nd Annual West Coast Wonder Women tournament was not in the cards for me in 2019 and…
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July 14, 2019 0