Tag: #girlpower

Be you, always!


  Welcome March! March is a good month.  Lot’s going on personally.  Weather (should be) getting milder if you’re in North America and with that, people in general will be smiling more. Don’t come for me, it’s true.  It is also women’s month! I’m saying women’s month yes but International Women’s Day 2024 is March…
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March 2, 2024 0


  To quote the one and only Ru Paul: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love anyone else?” We should love and be loved every single day of the year.  Know your person and love them the way they can receive it best or the way they know…
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February 15, 2024 2

She Believed She Could And So She Did: International All Female Boxing Tournament

  “She can box!” It’s all I ever wanted to showcase, to prove or display.  It’s true.  Showing that I, a grown woman in my late-thirties when I started and now 51 – can box.  Not a brawl or a scrap but a clean, technical boxing match. I checked that box 14 times with this…
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June 3, 2023 1


  Hello everyone!  I have noticed many new subscribers and readers on the blog here so welcome.  I’m happy you’re here and hope you like my content on all the platforms and while I’ve been busy on the other socials I promise to put out more in this space.  It’s been a busy hustle so…
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April 16, 2023 0

Happy International Women’s Day 2023: Embrace Equity

  Let’s be very clear.  It’s International Women’s Day today and beyond.  I’m not here to preach or rant or question why it is naming just one day to celebrate women but rather, I’m about continuing to celebrate myself and the amazing women I have in my life and those yet to come. I like…
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March 8, 2023 0

What’s Your Excuse? There will always be obstacles – it’s how we respond that matters!

  A few days ago in a message exchange a friend said to me: “You really went for it!  I’m so proud of you!” Thank you and I love you too Annie! This statement was in response to a recent purchase I made for my business – which she told me about mind you.  I…
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September 28, 2022 0


  I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard the phrase “your vibe attracts your tribe”? Younger (much younger 😊) me used to have mixed thoughts about the phrase above because well yes, misery does always look for and attract the same company BUT what if you want to change but you’re still in that negative space? …
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September 19, 2022 0

Mom vs coach: Thoughts on my 10-year old’s first sanctioned boxing match.

Watching your child compete in a boxing match for the first time is an experience from the inside out.  The good kind.  All the feels from start to finish.  Nerves, excitement, pride, and inspiration all wrapped up into what feels like the tightest fist.  At the end, those proud parental tear ducts start to fill…
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August 23, 2022 0


DARE TO DO IT! You’ve been there.  About to do something big and think: “It’s finally happening”?  Those are the moments that you think back to the journey and smile.  Whatever it is, you’ve prepared, invested time, energy and even money.  Most of all, you’ve sacrificed.  It’s game time! There are no parameters as to…
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April 25, 2022 0


  Imagine a gender equal world.  A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.  A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive.  A world where difference is valued and celebrated.  Together we can forge women’s equality.  Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias The above is straight from https://www.internationalwomensday.com/ and I’m including it here as a reminder to…
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March 31, 2022 0