Tag: grateful

Be you, always!

Black Friday Deals


  Here we ARE!  Black Friday savings are everywhere. I can’t believe that it’s mid-November people.  Firstly, because the temperatures have been mild for the most part here in Toronto and secondly, the year is almost over and there is still so much to do!  I was in Costco on November 1st at around 10am. …
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November 15, 2023 0


  It’s that time of the year again!  Always nostalgic, always great memories. Most of all it’s a reminder of some of the most precious memories and connections our adoption journey has created.  As cliché as it sounds when they say, “blood doesn’t make you family”, it’s 100% true. This year we celebrated a decade…
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November 7, 2023 0

Giving Thanks & Practicing Gratitude!

  What is the last thing you do when you lay your head at night, or the first thing when you open your eyes in the morning? Giving Thanks We recently celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada, but I found it hard to post this while there is war and innocent lives being lost due to the…
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October 18, 2023 0

GIVEAWAY MONTH: Thank you for the support!

Thank you so much! I got asked recently if I’m going to continue selling and talking about Monat products and without hesitation, it’s a YES for me.  I celebrate two years as a Monat Market Partner this month and to commemorate the occasion AND as a thank you for all the support to date, I’ll…
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October 2, 2023 0


  Aging is a privilege. At some point in our lives we all become hung up on the number and I’m not saying you’re not allowed to feel all the feels but maybe look at it from a different perspective.  It is just number and without getting morbid the reality is that many don’t get…
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December 29, 2022 0

My Wellness Story: 2021 vs 2022 | As Our Bodies Change So Do Our Needs

Last year I shared a post on hormones – menopause to be specific and upfront.  Take a read here.  If you were/are like me back then, keep reading and by “like me” I mean: Don’t recognize your body? Don’t understand your sudden emotional outbursts? Your patience low or non-existent? Hair thinning? Weight gain in the…
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October 24, 2022 0

June Vibes: Here’s what’s new & for you!

  How was your first five months of 2022?  Did you or do you reflect on it to plan and push forward, or course correct?  Do you lay out your plans meticulously with check boxes or just have it in your head?  I think we all have a version that keeps us on track.  Me? …
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June 2, 2022 0

January 2022: Crushing it? Or are you distracted by things you can’t control? Either way, just keep showing up!

  How are we all doing mid-January 2022?  Hanging in there or hanging on by a thread?  I’ve felt all the feels to date and if you’re in Ontario right now I hope that the current lockdown is not bringing you down.  I’ve been manifesting positive vibes that said 21-day restriction for gyms/restaurants is just…
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January 18, 2022 0

Ring Talk Episode 5: The Comeback!

  This comeback story is not about coming back after a loss in the ring but more so after a victory post pandemic.  A victory that screams “I’m back” and ready to rumble!  This might be my version and sharing just one aspect of my life, but it’s for all of us.  We’ve all been…
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October 25, 2021 0

‘Tis the season!

  What is the plan for this holiday season folks? For us, it will be like the rest of 2020 and just like everyone else, we won’t be doing anything like holiday seasons of the past.  This year is different from a work perspective too so yes, working for ourselves and still need to do…
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December 17, 2020 0