Tag: grateful

Be you, always!

Marriage: What’s the tea?

It’s our anniversary and don’t worry, this won’t be sappy mushy post.  Rest assured, the love is still as deep as the mushiest out there. So it begs the question:  Is there something to be said for being married this long?  Is there a secret or tea to spill?  December 6, 2020 we’re celebrating 23…
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December 6, 2020 0

December 2020

It’s December 2020 and it’s a big month in our family.  Anniversary, two birthday’s and of course the holiday festivities and the reality this year is that it will be very different but I’ll add, it’s what we make of it right? AND, if you’re in Toronto or Peel region Canada, you’re also in lockdown…
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December 3, 2020 0

“Daddy, why is she only stopping us?” – Acacia Fabing at Canadian Tire, Etobicoke, ON

When my family is racially profiled, I take action. Earlier this year I vowed to no longer be silent and on Saturday November 14th when I got home around 2pm in the afternoon to very confused 8-year-old and pretty pissed off husband, I had to stand by my word. This story needs to be shared,…
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November 30, 2020 0


Summer is not quite over but fall is around the corner.   Back to school means back to regular routines.  Routines mean back to the grind and I’m all for it.  Tournaments and club shows here I come!   Training never stopped but it did lighten up somewhat or rather, I allowed myself to ease…
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September 2, 2019 0

Dare to do you!

Each time I think I’ve got this “do you” bit, I realize that I have just scratched the surface.  Being me, doing me and accepting me.  While I strive to do so daily, I’ve come to realize that that there is more coming. As I continue to grow and as I get to know myself,…
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January 2, 2019 0

Family, food and gratitude!

Like many cultures where every celebration starts with food, mine is no different.  In fact, it’s not a celebration without it and there is always an abundance.  It’s like you’re expecting at least ten more guests!  And I’ll tell you, growing up there was always the possibility of an unexpected guest for a meal or…
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November 23, 2018 1

I’m every woman…

….it’s all in me…. Tell me you all can relate!  Whether it’s #Chaka or #Whitney belting out the lyrics I know you’re singing along and, if you’re like me, you get up out of your chair and dance like nobody is looking.  Am right!  Hell to the yes! Over the last few years I’ve heard…
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May 7, 2018 0

Family trip, reconnecting and seeking closure.

Getting back from a long vacation to the motherland is always good.  When I moved to Canada I was always very conscious and adamant that I would never forget my roots and where I came from and, though I say it always and try to live it, it’s easy to get caught up in the…
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February 2, 2018 0

Good news and great fights!

To say this week my family received wonderful news is quite an understatement.  My mom is cancer free.  I let that sit for a bit before I continued this entry. I’m a live in the present, look ahead, future forward, forget the past kinda girl.  You know, like boxing a “get hit move on” attitude…
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November 26, 2017 0